Hot Take

Malifaux July 2023 Errata Hot Take: The Nerfs

Well, well, well.  Look what we have here!  A hot steaming pile of errata!  And not a moment too soon, too.  The Madness of Malifaux was a little too mad, and we're all a bit sick of The Damian Show...

The 10th Edition 40K Index Updates and Errata Review (July 26, 2023)

Today Games Workshop made good on some of its promises of the past few weeks by delivering a large set of Index updates and errata with an eye on fixing mistakes and issues in the game’s datasheets. There’s enough...

Infinity Reinforcements: A Goonhammer Review

Genghis Cohen: Corvus Belli have previewed new rules for the next big expansion to the Infinity rules. This includes new profiles alongside a much hyped new game mechanic, Reinforcements. Thematically this accompanies a new background book, Endsong, which sees...

The July 10 Kill Team FAQs and Errata Update

This week Games Workshop dropped a series of updates - FAQ and Errata - for Kill Team, changing a number of rules and teams. If you were wondering what changed - or more importantly, what it means for your...

Goonhammer Reviews the 10th Edition Launch Balance Pass

As you may have seen earlier today in Competitive Innovations, Eldar are looking pretty hot in 10th Edition, most would argue too hot, and a few other factions have been putting up fairly eye-catching performances. Luckily, the Design Team...

Blood Bowl – May 2023 FAQ Hot Take

The first of Blood Bowl's regular errata and FAQ updates has just dropped for 2023, and as per usual it contains a mix of balance changes, corrections, and answers to questions that nobody in their right mind would have...

Star Wars Armada: Rapid Reinforcements II Hot Take

This is probably the biggest content release for Star Wars: Armada players for the year, so let’s do something about it. Hi, it’s Summer. I paid for the whole seat, but I only need the edge. Rapid What? - “You...

The Imperialis Militia: the Goonhammer Hot Take

Long awaited, Games Workshop have dropped a special treat for kitbashers and converters and guard players everywhere this week - the Imperialis Militia list for Horus Heresy. We've got a hot take on how it'll play.

The Q1 2023 Kill Team Balance Dataslate – The Goonhammer Hot Take

Games Workshop have crunched through the data from Kill Team events for the three months since the last dataslate, received feedback from the community, and are back with buffs and nerfs to try to get everyone in the 45-55%...

Conquest 2.0: The Rules Hot Take

Our roundtable hot take of the new edition of Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings