Hot Take

Disciples of Tzeentch FAQ – The Goonhammer Hot Take

As expected after any new Battletome, errata and FAQs must follow. Probably more so than any other Battletome in recent memory however, this one has been of particular interest in the community. After an extremely strong showing in major tournaments...

Sisters of Battle FAQ: The Goonhammer Hot Take

Sisters players have been on the edge of their seat for two months waiting for an FAQ, thanks to GW's insistence of holding it back until the full release. But finally it's here and... It's barely a page long. Not to...

The Goonhammer Hot Take: Slaves to Darkness FAQ

Slaves to Darkness got its FAQ today, which many Chaos players have been waiting for with their breath held as there was a number of entries with messy wording and a few abilities that seemed at first glance to...

Horus Heresy Hot Take: The Legion Arquitor Pattern Bombard

In Goonhammer Hot Takes, we do quick-pass reviews and reactions to new releases, rules, and events. In today's Hot Take, we're covering the the newest addition to the Space Marine Legion armoury - the Legion Arquitor Pattern Bombard, an...

The Goonhammer Hot Take: Faith & Fury and Blood of Baal FAQs

In Goonhammer Hot Takes, we do quick-pass reviews and reactions to new releases, rules, and events. In today’s Hot Take, we’re covering the the new FAQs for Psychic Awakening Books 2 and 3 - Faith & Fury and Blood...

Age of Sigmar: The Christmas Update

This week Games Workshop decided to drop - rather unceremoniously - the Christmas FAQ for Age of Sigmar. The new FAQ comes with a few rule updates and point changes for some of the game's older armies in response...

Warhammer Legends: The Goonhammer Round Table Review

After months of speculation, Games Workshop finally released its new “Warhammer: Legends” rules, putting several older models to bed and effectively removing them from tournament play, if not our hearts. Here to talk about the new rules, what they...

Imperial Fists and Salamanders FAQ – The Goonhammer Hot Take

We awake to a bright new day........and a couple new FAQs! Huzzah! Today brings us updates to the last round of Space Marine supplements, getting some adjustments for the Imperial Fists and Salamanders. We're taking a look at what's...

Repulsor Executioner Points Increase – The Goonhammer Hot Take

Credit: Booley, again. Damn those are some fine Repulsors that I covered up with some fast Photoshop text.   It seems like only last week we were posting long-winded musings on the value of the Repulsor Executioner. And now all of...