Hot Take

One Weird Tip: Use More Stuff That Sucks

This is likely just the cabin fever setting in, but I miss the Before Time when it felt acceptable to worry about dumb stuff. Reading old magazine interviews where Steve Buscemi is posing in a three thousand dollar shirt,...

Goonhammer Hot Take: Core Book FAQ Round 2

We thought we were done this week after Monday's round of FAQ updates but today Games Workshop pushed out a few more FAQ updates with important changes that have a major effect on 9th edition armies. There's a lot...

Goonhammer Hot Take: The Big Power Levels Update

It’s August 10th and as promised, Games Workshop updated the Warhammer 40,000 app (well, the Android version anyways) and published a PDF with new PL values for all of the game’s units. While normally competitive games use points instead...

The Goonhammer Hot Take: New 40k FAQs

If, like us, you were reading last week's FAQ updates and thinking something was missing, then today Games Workshop filled in a lot of those gaps with a whole new wave of FAQs that address many unresolved issues and...

Age of Sigmar Hot Take: New Battletome FAQs

Games Workshop promised that the newer battletomes that have been released in the last few months would receive their own FAQs instead of changes in the General's Handbook. These just released and can be found here Cities of Sigmar As you know...

9th Edition FAQs Hot Take: The Forge World Indexes

Earlier this evening Games Workshop stealth-dropped another set of FAQs on us, putting up the FAQs for the four Imperial Armour Indexes, which cover Forge World models for every faction. These are important documents that cover a ton of...

Goonhammer’s Guide to the 9th Edition FAQs for 40k

Just when we thought we were done rushing to bang out content about 9th edition, Games Workshop dropped another bombshell on us with the release of their 9th edition Warhammer 40,000 FAQs. More than a hundred pages of releases covering every...

Hot Take – Aeronautica Imperialis FAQ

The Aeronautica FAQ has finally dropped. The fundamental rules of Aeronautica are solid, but it had exploits and areas the weren't clear enough, which have been amended. This is not an FAQ like the Iron Hands one, which fundamentally...

Warhammer 40k 9th Edition: What We Know (And what we’re Hype for)

Welcome Goonhammer readers and 40k enthusiasts! If you’re like us, you’ve been absolutely giddy with excitement since the announcement on Saturday, ready for an entirely new edition of Warhammer 40k. Games Workshop followed up a stellar reveal on Saturday...

New Edition of 40K – Goonhammer Reacts!

Well, we’re hyped. GW just announced some huge news over on their preview stream - 9th edition is coming! Dropping with an amazing reveal video (which you can see on a fancy new Warhammer 40,000 website), and followed up by...