Horus Heresy

How to Paint Everything: Iron Warriors Chaos Space Marines

In our How to Paint Everything series we look at how to paint well, everything, with different methods, approaches, and painters. In this article we’re looking at how to paint the traitorous forces of the Iron Warriors for Warhammer 40k and The Horus Heresy.

Announcing the UK Goonhammer Open – June 22nd/23rd

The UK Goonhammer Open returns in June, this time as a dedicated narrative event spanning multiple systems. Come slam hams with us

How to Paint Everything – Alpha Legion Chaos Space Marines

In our How to Paint Everything series we look at how to paint, well, everything, with a look at different approaches from different painters and some of the special techniques for painting. In this article we’re looking at how...

How to Paint Everything – Word Bearers Chaos Space Marines

We cover everything you need to know about painting the Word Bearers, from the legion's heraldry to its primarch. Includes guides for painting purity seals and Colchisian runes, heresy and modern marines, Gal Vorbak and possessed, and Lorgar.

Bair’s 2023 Year in Review: 500 Minis Painted

So I left last year's review with "427 models built and painted in 2022. Not something I’m going to try and match or even top in the coming year..." and here I am having topped it instead. Oops? And...

Lore Explainer: The Emperor

In The Lore Explainer, we take a deep look at the lore behind our favorite games, movies, and books, and talk about the story behind them and sum up what you need to know and how you can find...

Lenoon’s Knight Lancer Build Guide

Content warning: Self harm, suicide, depression I don’t know how to write this one, you know. I had fun with meatwatch, delved into family history with the knights, did a little personal reflection after GHO. Then I bought the Lancer...

Getting started with Legiones Astartes in Legions Imperialis

You’ve probably heard of these guys so I'm not going to waste too much space telling you who Space Marines are. This article is going to be long enough. We know we don’t have the rules for all the models...

The December 2023 Horus Heresy FAQs Hot Take

Games Workshop surprised us with the release of a handful of new FAQs for the Horus Heresy this week, making a number of changes to the game. We're taking a look at those changes, what they mean, and how...

How to Build Everything: Forge World Legion Thunderhawk Gunship

While I made many good decisions when I was at the 2022 Warhammer 40K Grand Narrative in New Mexico, and made some notable bad ones (I didn't rent a car), I made a second decision after either too much...