Horus Heresy

Solar Auxilia Leman Russ: the Goonhammer Review

I love a good Leman Russ. Back in 96 it was the first tank I ever bought, and some of the much-battered, often-restripped parts of that particular Russ has stayed with me to this day. So I was damn...

Solar Auxilia Infantry: The Goonhammer Review

For a year now we've heard the slow tramping of void-armour shod feet faintly whenever we've played Heresy games. Somewhere out there, there was a nutter with a horde army entirely made of Forge World Resin. The Solar Auxilia...

Aethon Heavy Sentinel: the Goonhammer Review

Today we'll be having a look at the new unit in the Solar Auxilia Battle Group box set: The Aethon Heavy Sentinel. Thanks to Games Workshop for providing us with the Solar Auxilia Battle Group box for review. The Model This is...

Hot Take: Aethon Heavy Sentinel for Horus Heresy

NotThatHenryC checks out the latest addition to the Solar Auxilia arsenal

Getting Started with Legions Imperialis – Solar Auxilia Tactics

We dive into the basics of the Solar Auxilia - what makes them work and what you need to know about playing them.

The End and the Death (of End and the Death Reviews)

Togepi digs into The End and the Death Volume III with another review, talking about the good, the bad, and why it's worth reading.

An Epic Tale – The History of Small Scale Wargaming in the Grim Darkness

We take a look at the history of Epic and how Games Workshop got from a standalone game to sell marines on both sides to the modern release of Legions Imperialis.

Wargames Atlantic Grognard Cavalry: The Goonhammer Review

  We've had Scifi French Infantry. We've backed them up with Commanders and Heavy weapons. But there's something missing in your 30/40k Napoleonic Empire. Until now there's been nothing riding to the rescue when plans encounter the enemy  - enter...

Wargames Atlantic Grognard Heavy Weapons : The Goonhammer Review

Who doesn't love some scifi infantry weapons teams? There's little more evocative of the grim dark horrors of the far future than two normal humans manning a fixed gun while a 40 foot tall behemoth of flesh, steel, or...

The End and the Death, Volume 3: The Goonhammer Review

  Let’s not mess about. We know why we’re here. The End is nigh. I’m going to try and do this without Spoilers. Spoilers are all over the place for this one, sadly, but as far as I possibly can,...