Horus Heresy

TheChirurgeon’s Road Through 2022, Part 12: A Forced Vacation

Hello Dear Reader, and welcome to my ongoing trek to competitive respectability in the Year of Our Lord 2022. Last time I wrote, I had just wrapped up my time at the Games Workshop US Seattle Open and was...

The Horus Heresy Previews Roundtable

Last week Games Workshop revealed the true extent of the new edition of Horus Heresy: Age of Darkness and in the time since they've been going hard on previews and showing off what's coming for the game. In this...

The Horus Heresy: Fafnir Rann, Lord Seneschal of the Imperial Fists

The Black Library celebration is upon is, and it brings with it two of the Siege of Terra’s great heroes. This past week free rules for Fafnir Rann dropped, a man in strong contention with Sigismund for the title...

Model Review: Dominion Zephon

Games Workshop gave us an exciting look at the potential future of Horus Heresy this week, showing off Fafnir Rann and Dominion Zephon, two heralds of a new generation of plastic Heresy models with their own distinctly branded boxes....

The Horus Heresy: Dominion Zephon, the Bringer of Sorrow

The Black Library celebration is upon is, and it brings with it two of the Siege of Terra’s great heroes. Alongside a brand new model, Dominion Zephon dives into action for the Loyal IXth Legion. Who is he?  The Bringer of...

The Horus Heresy: The Battle of Perditus, Dark Angels Order of the Broken Claws and Death Guard Mortus Poisoners

The Tuchulcha is one of the most important narrative macguffins in the Warhammer 40,000/Horus Heresy setting, being key to the abilities and actions of the Dark Angels in both the Heresy and 40K timelines. Claimed by the First Legion...

Contemptor Kevin’s 2021 in review

Whoo-boy. After spending the better part of the year under some form of isolation, I was burned out at the end of 2020 and the beginning of 2021. Plus, I had hosted Christmas lunch/dinner amongst my "pod" and had...

The Horus Heresy: the Battle of Armatura and World Eaters Red Hand Destroyers

The Armatura campaign holds a special place in my heard as its one of the core settings of Aaron Dembski-Bowden’s Betrayer, one of the best novels Black Library has released. Indeed, the only stain upon its honour is that...

Warlord Wednesdays: Warfare 2021

Welcome back to Goonhammer’s series for aspiring Titan Principes. We here at Goonhammer’s own Collegia Titanica know that Adeptus Titanicus can seem intimidating to players unfamiliar with its particular quirks, but this series aims to equip you with everything...

The Horus Heresy: the Siege of Hydra Cordatus and Iron Warriors Dominator Cohort

Three new units and accompanying mini campaigns in as many months? The Warmaster is truly smiling on us! It looks like we’ll be getting one of these on the first Monday of every month, so let’s dive in and...