Horus Heresy

How To Paint Everything, Video Edition: Sons of Horus and Imperial Fists

With the release of the Horus Heresy 2nd Edition, we thought we'd try something new. In the past painting guides used to be in print, then online, and now with the wonders of modern technology we have moving pictures...

How to Build Everything: Horus Heresy Deimos Rhino

In the Fabricator General, we talk about the finer points of construction, conversion, and hobby projects that require a bit more elbow grease and technical know-how. From adding shelves in your display case to building an army display board...

Horus Heresy Hot Take: Legacy and Exemplary Unit PDFs

The initial release of Horus Heresy 2 had some much-loved units missing from the already chunky Liber books, generally because there isn't a specific model currently being produced for them. Some of the most notable were the good old...

Editorial: Transphobic Language and the Horus Heresy

Goonhammer is unusual in the modern content ecosystem for focusing hard on written content, often long form and detailed, with images only used for flavour or to help explain particularly complex details. We know that how we say something...

Horus Heresy: Zone Mortalis

Zone Mortalis, commonly referred to as ZM, is the most common way to play smaller games of 30k. It was a hugely popular part way to play 1st edition 30k, and a strange omission from the new Age of...

Horus Heresy: An Introduction to Rites of War

Welcome to the Horus Heresy. With the release of the Age of Darkness and the second edition of the rules, there’s never been a better time to jump into (or return to) a world set 10,000 years before Warhammer...

Model Review: Horus Heresy Characters

The new Horus Heresy boxed set releases soon and we’re doing deep dive reviews into its contents. If you missed our review of the rules, you can find that here, or if you missed our review of the new Mk....

Horus Heresy: Building and Expanding Your Age of Darkness Boxset (Traitors Version)

Welcome back to Goonhammer’s series for aspiring Praetors. We know that the Horus Heresy system can seem intimidating to players unfamiliar with its particular quirks, but this series aims to equip you with everything you’ll need to play out...

Horus Heresy: Building and Expanding Your Age of Darkness Boxset (Loyalist Version)

Welcome back to Goonhammer’s series for aspiring Praetors. We know that the Horus Heresy system can seem intimidating to players unfamiliar with its particular quirks, but this series aims to equip you with everything you’ll need to play out...

Model Review Round Table: Horus Heresy Armor

The new Horus Heresy boxed set releases soon and we're doing deep dive reviews into its contents. If you missed our review of the rules, you can find that here, or if you missed our review of the new...