Horus Heresy

Horus Heresy Legion Focus: Iron Warriors

This week Horus Heresy returns with Legion Focus: Iron Warriors, for those among us who love to paint hazard stripes.

Model Review: Horus Heresy Sky Hunter Jetbikes

They're finally here! The plastic jetbikes we've all (well, at least all the White Scars players) been waiting for. Games Workshop have sent me a free box of them to review, and while I haven't been able to get paint on them yet we can take a look at what's in the box.

Horus Heresy Exemplary Battles: the Death of Canopus

This is the final Exemplary Battle that the WarCom team will be releasing for the Horus Heresy - at least for Astartes. Check out the Iron Hands and Blood Angels during the Death of Canopus.

Horus Heresy No Retreat III Trip Report

Last weekend saw SN Battlereports put on their first Horus Heresy “No Retreat” event in 5 years. No Retreats are invitational events held in Gibraltar, on a super yacht – yes, you read that correctly. I’ll get to that...

How To Paint Everything – Perturabo, Primarch of the Iron Warriors

In our How to Paint Everything series, we take a look at different armies of the Warhammer universe, examine their history and heraldry, and look at several different methods for painting them. Today we take a look at Perturabo, Hammer of Olympia and Primarch of the Iron Warriors!

Model Review: Horus Ascended

Games Workshop sent Jack Horus Ascended to paint up. Here are his thoughts on building and painting it.

Welcome to the Knight Café: A Review of the New Warhammer Store and Café in Tokyo

  After three years of not taking any real vacations, my wife and I decided that come hell or high water we were going to go somewhere cool by the end of 2022. Thankfully, Japan removed their tourism restrictions in...

Horus Heresy Tactica: Hidden Gems

The Horus Heresy team present some weird choices and surprises to spring on the dastardly traitors/deluded loyalists next time you're hitting the table

Soggy’s Hobby Year in Review: 2022

Another year has come and gone in what feels like a blink of the eye. My year was dominated by the hobby, so it makes sense to take a breather and look back on my hobby progress when looking...

Bair’s Hobby Year in Review

Hi, my name is Bair and I play too many games. I've even painted them too this time (this is a drastic personal change from me pre-Covid times). The games that I did play this year include: Titanicus (you...