Horus Heresy

How To Paint Everything: Faces – Part 1

Award winning painter Meltabombed embarks on a series on how paint faces, starting with the basics.

How to Paint Everything – Emperor’s Children Chaos Space Marines

We take a detailed look into how to paint the Emperor's Children and everything associated with them, from pre-heresy to modern era to 2nd edition Noise Marines.

The Lore of Codex: Emperor’s Children (10th Edition)

Last weekend we previewed the rules in the new Codex: Emperor's Children (you can find that review here), but despite talking about the rules for matched and narrative play, there's still one major area left to talk about: The book's lore....

Horus Heresy: Mechanicum Heavy Support Force – The Goonhammer Review

Soggy and realsnice check out the second wave of plastic Mechanicum releases

Horus Heresy: Mechanicum Faction Focus – A Practical Guide to Tech Priests

We're back for Part 2 of our Mechanicum Faction Focus, discussing the armaments, abilities and warlord traits of the tech priests, before polishing it off with sample Priests and Army Lists.

Horus Heresy: Mechanicum Faction Focus – Units of the Machine God

Jellymuppet delves into the arsenal of Mars and takes a deep dive through the Mechanicum's weapons of war.

Mundus Imperialis Terrain for Legions Imperialis – Wave 2: The Goonhammer Review

Mundus Imperialis is a range of pre-painted, cast resin buildings that are designed in the classic Gothic style with which any fan of Warhammer would be familiar. realsnice and Andrew take a look.

Goonhammer Roundtable: The LVO 2025 GW Reveals

We take a look at everything revealed on Games Workshop's reveal stream at the 2025 Las Vegas Open and talk about what we like, what we don't, and what it means for this year's releases.

Horus Heresy: Solar Auxilia Valdor Tank Destroyer – The Goonhammer Review

You’re here to hear about the Valdor Tank Hunter. It’s a nice tank for the Solar Auxilia, a variation of the trusty Malcador tank.

Horus Heresy: Boreas-Pattern Deredeo Dreadnought – The Goonhammer Review

Soggy checks out the latest plastic dreadnought release for Horus Heresy.