
Fixing your airbrush issues

An airbrush is like enabling cheat mode, right? You just have to buy one and suddenly your painting is a million times better. Well, not really... As most people who've bought an airbrush will know you are going to...

Hobby Heresy: Mordheim Vampire

In this week's Hobby Heresy, Skails is talking about his latest project building a Soulblight Gravelord. For this entry I am building a Soulbight Gravelord, or as I like to call them - Vampire. The base model for this build is Pious...

Goonhammer Hobby Round-up: May 2021 (mid-month)

  Look upon our works, ye mighty, and despair. Or just let it inspire you to paint your own models, that sounds healthier. Silks I've been pressing on with my new Drukhari army. I've built and done the red airbrushing for the...

How to Paint Everything: Infinity Nomads

In our How to Paint Everything series we look at how to paint, well, everything. We look at the different factions of various games, their heraldry, and different techniques for painting them from different artists.  Infinity's Nomads are one of...

The Fabricator General: Building a Nurgle-themed display board, Version 2

The Warhammer 40,000 universe is a massive place, and in the Fabricator General hobby articles, we cover larger, more complex projects that might be daunting to newer entrants to the hobby. This week, Charlie A is talking about revisiting...

How to Paint Everything: Yu Jing

In our How to Paint Everything series, we take a look how to paint well, everything. We look at models and effects and look at several different methods for painting them. We've recently been getting into Infinity in a big...

Army Spotlight: Colin Ward’s Blood Angels

In this week's Army Showcase, Colin Ward talks about his primaris-scaled Blood Angels and the work that went into making each model in the army amazing.

Just Paint

We've all been there. Whether you’re an experienced warhammer user, or you’re new in town, have you considered: putting paint on some dang models? I am not here to scold anyone, rather to offer encouragement. If you want painted models...

Creator Spotlight: Darcy Bono

Darcy Bono is a talented painter and someone who first came to our attention last year with her stunning Riptide, which won Best Painted Sci-fi Single Mini in our first annual Goonhammer Lockdown Painting Contest. We recently sat down...

How to Paint Everything: Picking a Custom Colour Scheme

In our How to Paint Everything series we look at how to paint well, everything. In today's instalment we're looking at how to choose a custom color scheme for your models and make choices that will look great on...