
Model Review: Bastian Carthalos

The new additions to the Stormcast range are brimming with releases all vying to be the big new centerpiece model. We've got big honkin dragons, Dominion's own Yndrasta, and a new Chapter Master-level character, Bastian Carthalos. We here at...

Gaming Spaces: Charlie B’s Hobby Space

In Gaming Spaces, we look at the spaces we’ve built to game in, talking about how they were built and how we’re improving them. In today’s article, we’re looking at Charlie Brassley's space, referred to by his wife as...

Army Showcase: Rockfish’s Hive Fleet Leviathan

Finishing your own army is core to the Warhammer 40,000 hobby. In our Army Showcase series, Goonhammer contributors take a look at the armies we’ve been collecting for years, and the new ones we’ve just finished – what drew us to...

Gaming Spaces: Selnaric’s Garage

Playing at home can be a wonderful experience, but creating a great gaming space with limited time and resources can be a massive challenge itself! Each week in our Gaming Spaces series we’ll be looking at an author’s gaming...

Model Review: High Marshal Helbrecht

I'm going to cut right to the quick here. High Marshal Helbrecht, generously provided to us by Games Workshop for review and painting purposes, is Peak Black Templars. With surgical precision, their sculptors tapped into the 15 year old...

How to Paint Everything: The Kill Rig

As mentioned in our preview article for the Kill Rig, this model was sent my way to get painted and I made sure to get enough pictures for a HTPE! This is going to kind of be a slightly...

Crude Photogrammetry

If our guide to photgrammetry from @pendulinTV was a bit too much for you this week @mpherrington is taking on the project himself and showing ways to make it easier. #url# #goonhammer

Goonhammer’s Guide to Painting Spooky Stuff

At Goonhammer we're big fans of the spooky, the scary, and the macabre and big fans of Halloween as a result. In case you missed our guide to painting classic movie monsters this year or last year's guides to...

How to Paint Everything: Classic Movie Monsters

Oh It's Halloween again and that's our favorite time of year! We love talking about monsters and horror and so this week we're revisiting some classic movie monsters from the minis line by Studio Miniatures and talking about how to...

Gaming Spaces: Thanqol’s Hobby Space

I've been in the hobby for five years now and I'm currently going through some growing pains with my gaming space. A lot of ideas and concepts that made sense in the initial stages are starting to fall apart,...