
How to Paint Everything – Crimson Slaughter Chaos Space Marines

In How to Paint Everything - Crimson Slaughter Chaos Space Marines we look at how to paint those red and gold marines featured on all of those 6th and 7th edition CSM kits.

SRM’s Ongoing Stormbringer Review: Week 07

Stormbringer is a weekly hobby magazine from Hachette Partworks introducing players to Warhammer: Age of Sigmar. In this 80-week series, our intrepid magazine-receiver will be reviewing each individual issue, its included models, and gaming materials. A Premium US subscription...

SRM’s Ongoing Imperium Review: Week 87

Imperium is a weekly hobby magazine from Hachette Partworks. In this 90-week series, our intrepid magazine-receiver will be reviewing each individual issue, its included models, and gaming materials. A Premium subscription was provided to Goonhammer for review purposes.  These last...

Swiftblade’s 2023 Year in Review

Swiftblade looks back at 2023 and what's in store for 2024.

Age of Sigmar 2023: The Year in Review

With the end of 2023 about a day away some of our Age of Sigmar staff came together to talk about the year, sharing their thoughts on what happened in the game this year and what they hope to...

SRM’s Ongoing Imperium Review: Week 86

Welcome to the final Imperium review of 2023! I’d offer a Your Imperium Wrapped but that would be even more superfluous than the one of those I got from Marriott hotels.

SRM’s Ongoing Stormbringer Review: Week 06

Stormbringer is a weekly hobby magazine from Hachette Partworks introducing players to Warhammer: Age of Sigmar. In this 80-week series, our intrepid magazine-receiver will be reviewing each individual issue, its included models, and gaming materials. A Premium US subscription...

TheChirurgeon’s Road Through 2023, Part 27: End of the Road

In TheChirurgeon's FInal Road Through 2023 post he looks back on the year that was - competitive play and hobby progress - and muses on what's ahead.

Bair’s 2023 Year in Review: 500 Minis Painted

So I left last year's review with "427 models built and painted in 2022. Not something I’m going to try and match or even top in the coming year..." and here I am having topped it instead. Oops? And...

SRM’s 2023 in Review

Campbell "SRM" McLaughlin runs us through his 2023 - from models to events.