history of miniature violence

The 40K History of the Black Library: 1993 and Space Marine

Today in Jay Kirkman's review of the history of the Black Library, he looks at 1993 and infamous title Space Marine.

What Happened to… Gorkamorka? Part Two: The Hulk

Gorkamorka lasted six months and nearly took GW down with it - what happened and why did some Orks messing about in the desert nearly crash a multinational company?

What Happened to… Gorkamorka? Part One: Gorkers and Morkers

Gorkamorka is probably the most short lived of what would become the “Specialist Games”. There are a lot of dead games out there, but Gorkamorka only lasted six months in the dying days of the second millennium. It’s not just that I liked it though, because Gorkamorka is perhaps a little more important to the history of Games Workshop than you'd think.