
Variety is the Spice of SAGA: The Book of Battles

One of the great joys of historical wargaming is the huge potential variety of scenarios, both balanced and extremely not that present themselves. In this respect, the single scenario in the main SAGA rulebook is, shall we say, slightly...

Starting SAGA: Building a One Kit Anglo-Saxon Warband

Can you make a good Saga warband out of one box? Variance Hammer Eric picks up some Saxons and gets going!

Goonhammer Historicals: Sharp Practice Battle Report

A number of years ago at AdeptiCon we ran a Sharp Practice game with a half-dozen hobbyists painting units and bringing them to play. We put a ton of work into it and it came out great. I've been...

Goonhammer Historicals: Quar – Welcome to Alwyd

“It seems the Quar have always been at war…” -A Rhyfler’s Pocket-Book Maybe you’ve heard the name Quar spoken in hushed whispers by the most grizzled grognard “down at the club.” Maybe you’ve seen it pop up in Wargames Atlantic marketing...

Victrix Medieval Knights: The Goonhammer Historicals Review

Medieval Knights are a staple of historicals wargaming and it's a rare mini collector that hasn't at least thought about strapping on some plate and mail in order to mount a trusty steed, but plastic knights always leave a...

Goonhammer Historicals: Bad Squiddo Shieldmaiden Review and Saga Warband

First off, a big thank you to Annie of Bad Squiddo Games for supplying these minis free of charge to review! The selection of minis on offer there are far beyond the shieldmaidens I'm reviewing today and worth looking...

Goonhammer Historicals: The Barons’ War Review

The Barons' War is a high medieval skirmish game from Footsore Miniatures. It's been out a while and is a firm favourite in the historicals community, winning the Wargames Illustrated Best New Rules award in 2021 and filling out...

Goonhammer Historicals: Hail Caesar Epic Battles – Model Review

Thanks to Warlord Games for providing this kit for review. Hail Caesar Epic Battles: The Punic Wars is Warlord Games's newest entry into their ever-expanding range of epic scale wargames. Set in antiquity and taking on the name of its...

Goonhammer Historicals – Wargames Atlantic WW1 Russian Infantry Review

Summer 2024 marks the 110th anniversary of the cataclysmic events that led to World War I. Despite being one of the most pivotal events of the 20th century, WWI has not achieved nearly as much representation on the tabletop...

Goonhammer Historicals: 1918 Ruleset Author Interview

Summer 2024 marks the 110th anniversary of the cataclysmic events that led to World War I. Despite being one of the most pivotal events of the 20th century, WWI has not achieved nearly as much representation on the tabletop...