
Goonhammer Historicals – Choose Your Own Sharp Practice

You may have read the recent retrospective review of the Sharpe series and thought to yourself “Self, I love this series of novels and movies and would literally die for Richard Sharpe in the dust at Talavera - how...

Lenoon’s Road to Austerlitz 6: Geldings in the Name Of

Breaking News: Napoleon is Dead This urgent update interrupts your scheduled rambles about horses. As we go to press it is May 5th, 2022. Napoleon has been dead for 101 years and we would like to mark this solemn occasion...

Series review: Sharpe

This week's guest article is written by Count Numbers! About two weeks ago I stopped being able to sleep. I could fall asleep fine, but I’d wake up every ninety minutes. Essentially I’ve just come out of about twelve days...

Goonhammer Historicals: Activation Roundtable

Welcome to Historical Roundtables, our regular column where the Goonhammer Historicals team gets together to talk over a particular aspect of historical wargaming. They’ll share their insights, recommendations and warnings about the best way to engage with the hobby....

Lenoon’s Road to Austerlitz 5: Section, Company, Cardboard Box

I got to a point last article when I felt: I've got this. I know what I'm doing, I more or less know the history, and I know the games and the plan. You might have noticed the smug...

Getting Started with Bolt Action

So the title of this article probably gives some of the game away, but what is Bolt Action? Ilor: Bolt Action is a tabletop wargame set in the Second World War. It simulates tactical actions at roughly the platoon level,...

Goonhammer Historicals Interview: Richard Lloyd of Bloody Miniatures

If you were reading Goonhammer Historicals last year, you might have caught me waxing lyrical about a new miniatures range that I'd just discovered - Bloody Miniatures - which were adding character and interest to the massed ranks of...

Goonhammer Historicals: Mugginns’ Road to AdeptiCon

  AdeptiCon week is here. I'm driving down Wednesday from the Mitten state to partake in the best week of gaming and I might not have to do any hotel painting. I might not even have to spray Dullcote on...

Goonhammer Historicals: Airfix 1/48 Stuka Review

In this week's issue, Marc "Ilor" Renouf takes a bit of a detour from tabletop gaming into a closely-related activity - scale modeling! The Conundrum Model airplanes, y'all. Go into any model shop and chances are that there is more shelf...

Goonhammer Historicals: Mugginns’ Road to AdeptiCon 2022

  As an AdeptiCon veteran (I believe I've been going since 2013), I'm really happy to see our favorite Midwest con coming back strong in 2022. In the past I've played 40k, Bolt Action, Necromunda, SAGA, WHFB, Age of Sigmar,...