
Goonhammer Historicals: New Year, New Minis. Getting Started in the Black Powder Era

2025 is upon us - time for new minis, new wars to study, and new uniforms to paint! We look at some from the black powder era in Monday's Historicals.

How to Paint Everything: Napoleonic French Artillery (1813-15)

Time to bring up the dogs of war, the heavy guns, and get them on the table! We're looking at how to paint the Napoleonic Army, 1813-15.

Bair’s 2024 Year in Review: Being Good Enough

Bair recaps his hobby journey in 2024, talking about what he accomplished and making peace with being good enough.

Goonhammer Historicals: The Silver Bayonet Mini-Campaign – The War on Christmas Part Two

The final two scenarios in the Silver Bayonet War on Christmas mini-campaign.

Goonhammer Historicals: The Silver Bayonet Mini-Campaign – The War on Christmas Part One

With Christmas almost upon us, Mugginns is here with a short mini-campaign for The Silver Bayonet based on the holiday season.

Goonhammer Historicals: Wargames Atlantic Conquistador and Renaissance Cavalry Review

While the proliferation of black powder weapons across the battlefields of the world would change the nature of warfare, soldiers mounted on horses continued to play a major role in combat until the early 20th century. Heavily armored knights,...

Goonhammer Historicals: Christmas Gift Guide

It is indeed that season once again, so if you are looking for gift inspiration, hearty recommendations, or just don’t know what to buy the miniature or gaming hobbyist in your life (including yourself; buy yourself something nice), Merry...

Goonhammer Historicals: Bolt Action 3rd Edition Review

Bolt Action 3rd Edition is the newest version of Warlord Games flagship wargame. For those who don't know, Bolt Action is a 28mm platoon/company-sized World War II wargame. From the early days of the blitzkrieg, to the final days...

Goonhammer Historicals: Victrix Islamic Infantry Review

You're minding your own business in the middle of a Golden age of science, art, discovery, literature, medicine and bickering between city states when suddenly, as if out of nowhere, a ton of unwashed, illiterate and frankly barbaric Franks...

Goonhammer Historicals Thanksgiving Special: Cult of the Black Feather

It's that time of year again - the time when Americans look to the woods for a plump bird to throw down on the big family table along with some canned cranberry sauce (anything else is anti-freedom) for a...