
Warlord Games Resin+ in the crosshairs

A new horizon dawns for Warlord Games and it is resin, or rather Resin+. As many of you know, while most ranges are a mix of plastic and metal Warlord has been producing a few of their ranges in...

Lion Rampant Second Edition – the Goonhammer Review

Lion Rampant (Second Edition) is the new Medieval rule set from Osprey. There’s a lot of Medieval rules out there, so Jackie and Lenoon sat down to chat about it and see what there is to like about this new edition of a well-loved game.

Goonhammer Historicals: Rating the Army Special Rules in Bolt Action

Alex: I suppose if you come into historical gaming via Warhammer the idea of different armies having unique special rules wouldn't raise an eyebrow, but when you stop and think about it, it is kind of odd. Humans are...

Goonhammer Historicals: Mugginns’ Road to AdeptiCon 2023

It is that time of year again! Three weeks left to AdeptiCon and I'm still grinding through a huge project. This year I'm helping to run the 2nd Annual Lard America gathering at AdeptiCon on Friday and Saturday, playing...

Flower Wars: Researching a Game

We're really excited about what we're doing over here in the Goonhammer Historicals team with our Flower Wars project. It's an exciting thing, being involved in designing a brand new game. It's not one that I ever thought I'd...

Goonhammer Historicals: A Day Out at FlintCon

Saturday, February 4th saw this year's installment of FlintCon, a local gaming convention in Flint, MI. Given how much time Flint has spent in the news for terrible reasons since 2014, we wanted to take a little bit of...

Goonhammer Historicals Unit Focus: Berg Lancers

If there’s one thing the Napoleonic period has going for it for the historical wargamer, it’s the fanciest uniforms ever put to battle. The French were resplendent in blue, the British in incredibly fiddly red with padded shoulders and...

Goonhammer Historicals: Wargames Atlantic Aztecs Review (and Flower Wars Assembly Guide!)

This week the Goonhammer Historicals team takes a look at the Aztec miniatures released by Wargames Atlantic. In addition to a review of the miniatures themselves, we'll talk about how to assemble and paint them for use with the...

Goonhammer Historicals – Road to Leipzig: Introduction and a Review of Victrix’s Austrian Grenadiers

Introduction and Victrix Austrian Grenadier Review Hello, Goonhammer historical readers, You all may have read a lot of well-written but undue adorations of that rotten disruptor Napoleon Bonaparte over the past year. My fellow writer Lenoon has good taste in war...

Ronin: my precious Hanzo steel

In this week’s review we travel back to the 16th century, not for any pike wielding friends, but our road takes us to the conflicts further east. Written in 2013, Ronin is one of the first accessible rulesets that...