
Goonhammer Historicals: a year in review

Every year we're inundated with lists and round-ups, and in what is becoming a tradition for the Goonhammer Historicals Team, we're here today to continue this trend. As we pry our contributors from their painting desks and handcrafted tables,...

SRM’s 2022 in Review

Welcome to another annual novella by yours truly. I don't write "Road Through" articles like our fearless leader Rob Jones, but instead seed those personal narratives, microdose-like, through my own Imperium Magazine reviews. Should you not want to browse...

Historical Events at AdeptiCon 2023: Preview

Believe it or not, old man 2022 is almost done and baby 2023 is rapidly approaching. AdeptiCon is taking place March 22-26 in Schaumburg, Illinois, just northwest of Chicago. AdeptiCon has had a large historical presence for years but...

The Soviet Women’s Rifle Brigade – Army Showcase and History

It’s time for something a little different than our regularly scheduled content, a historicals project showcase. This week we’ve got HardyRoach showing off his 28mm Soviet women’s platoon and running down some of the history behind it.  As a historicals...

Lenoon’s Road to Austerlitz 11: La Première Année

One year after he crowned himself Emperor of France, Napoleon stood looking out over the Pratzen Heights. The next day he would fight one of the greatest victories of his career - Austerlitz. What was running through his head,...

Victrix Mercenary and Athenian hoplites review

We dive into the ancient world today, a world of triremes, bronze shields, nasty business all around, and see how Victrix tackles the age-old question of how to feed and take care of your phalanx and make sure their...

The Goonhammer Review: Wargames Atlantic Conquistadors

To say that the Conquistadors have a complicated legacy is perhaps an understatement. There's absolutely no doubt that their actions led to colonial genocide and subjugation, but that doesn't mean that there can't be interesting and exciting projects to...

Lounging about at a Lard Day 

Too Fat Lardies, purveyor of many historical rulesets, has a unique way of trying out their games. I went to Lardwerp, an event that gave me a taste of some rulesets I was keen to try out in a...

Goonhammer Historicals Miniatures Review: Victrix British Dragoons

If there's one image of the Napoleonic period you've seen, it's probably of British Heavy Dragoons. The painting Scotland Forever! is absolutely iconic and while probably all over the place in terms of historical accuracy, captures what it must have...

Lenoon’s Road to Austerlitz 10: Limping Veterans and the Young Guard Flavoured Water

It is Tridi, Decade 3, Vendemiaire, CCXXXI, the day of the Turnip. It has been two full months since I last wrote a Road to Austerlitz, and, for various reasons, the least productive I have been on this Napoleonics...