Hammer of Math

Hammer of Math: Big Game Hunter

We've spent a lot of time discussing how hard it is to kill things like Grey Knight Paladins or Iron Hands Leviathans protected by Cogitated Martyrdom, but one thing we haven't done is examine the discussion from the offensive...

Hammer of Math: Quick Hits, 2/17/2020

This week we're going to answer a few questions from the questionnaire form! Please keep sending us ideas, they're always incredibly helpful. This time we're going to catch up on the Raven Guard and refurbished Black Templar options for...

Hammer of Math: The > Good

In this week’s Hammer of Math we delve into the greatest question of 40K; has any faction featured in Psychic Awakening been screwed as much as Drukhari? The answer is no. With that out of the way we'll take...

Hammer of Math: Calculated Martyrdom

In this week’s Hammer of Math, Kevin is going back to the Iron Hands well to take a look at one of the most powerful combinations available in 40K. This particular topic comes from fellow author Scott Horras "Heresy"...

Hammer of Math: Grey Knight Numerics

In this week’s Hammer of Math, Kevin is going to give some much needed attention to one of the bluish-silverish headed stepchildren of 8th Edition. We here at Goonhammer love how well Ritual of the Damned gave three of...

Hammer of Math: Calculus of the Damned

In this week's Hammer of Math, Kevin and Rob take a look at some of the possibilities within the latest Psychic Awakening Book, Ritual of the Damned, and how they impact the forces of the Thousand Sons, Grey Knights,...

Hammer of Math: The Lockdown Problem

In this week's Hammer of Math, Andrew "Pendulin" Haywood is stepping in for Kevin to examine objective placement in the Lockdown mission and other similar missions that have disappearing objectives.  Last week, One_Wing talked about the new Eternal War missions...

Hammer of Math: Smash Captain RETURNS!

Back in October we took a look at all of the Smash Captain options and ranked them. With Chaos boosted by Faith and Fury and the release of Blood of Baal updating Blood Angels this seemed like a perfect...

Hammer of Math: Fire Prism Permutations

We’ve been linking a questionnaire form for you fine readers to submit ideas for us to explore, and this week we're taking another look at questions submitted by readers. We're wrapping up the year with some questions about the Aeldari and...

Hammer of Math: Necromath… da

Greetings Hive Dwellers! This week we’re going away from the battlefields of the 41st Millennium and instead diving deep into the underhive of Necromunda. Readers of our Necromunday column are already familiar with the INCREDIBLY AWESOME game of squad...