Hammer of Math

Hammer of Math: Quick Hits – Psychic Barrage, and Termagant Swarms

This week’s Hammer of Math is looking at some user-submitted questions about the ravenous swarm that is the Tyranid faction. We'll look over whether or not Psychic Barrage is worth the price paid, and exactly how hard is it...

Hammer of Math: Necromathda II – Lots of Guns Edition

Greetings fellow hive scum! This week in Hammer of Math we're going back to Hive Primus to take another look at the math behind Necromunda. We're doing a deep dive into all the ranged weapons, comparing how the various...

Hammer of Math: Warp Missiles and You

“Primaris” Kevin is on break this week, so the Warlord Wednesday crew has decided to take a look at what might be the most unusual weapons in Adeptus Titanicus - the Warp Missile Support Rack. Warp Missiles. A hot topic...

Hammer of Math: Robot Power Metal

This week's Hammer of Math is going to cover some of the ancient calculations of the Necrons in all of their Blackstone-coveting glory. While not necessarily the most competitive force (although that could easily change when they get the...

SWORD of Math: Hams vs Housing

In this Very Special edition of HammerSWORD of Math, we examine the ultimate question that has plagued the hobby community for decades. Is Warhammer a better investment than a house? As we enter these uncertain times one must think towards...

Hammer of Math: Slaying the Beast

Last week we looked over some of the options available from the new Saga of the Beast expansion, focusing on offensive firepower and how devastating combinations like Lord Smashwolf Wolfsmash the 2nd could be. This week we're focusing on...

Hammer of Math: Numbah of da Beast

Saga of the Beast has provided some exciting content for both Orks and Space Wolves, and we would be remiss if we didn't take the opportunity to look at how the numbers check out. There's a lot in this...

Hammer of Math: Gravitic Multiplication

This week's topic comes from our own Scott Horras "Heresy" who enjoys competitive play and is also Good At 40K, which something I absolutely cannot say regarding myself. With the recent Iron Hands nerf causing a massive shift in...

Hammer of Math: Numbah Krumpin’

In honor of what I'm preemptively calling Ork Week out of respect for my favorite faction, this week's Hammer of Math is going to cover the much beloved (just not by GW) Stompa in the context of points efficiency....

Hammer of Math: Nerfed Numerics

Today is a momentous day, dear readers. In their infinite wisdom Games Workshop has thoroughly and completely nerfed Iron Hands, eliminating one of Hammer of Math's favorite topics and subsequently forcing me to write about something other than bionic...