Hammer of Math

Hammer of Math: Space Marine Codex Preview

On Saturday Games Workshop revealed a lot of upcoming information about the new Necron and Space Marine codex, and for the Astartes there was a considerable amount of information that we can actually analyze and process. The reveal was...

Hammer of Math: Plague Marines and Double Wounds

In this week's Hammer of Math Kevin and PierreTheMime takes a look at the resurgent Death Guard and how the presence of 2W Plague Marines is going to make life a nightmare for anyone trying to kill them. Last month...

Hammer of Math: Effects of Variance

This week's Hammer of Math (the 50th article, believe it or not) is a bit more fundamental than previous articles; we're going to take a look at the effects of variance and expand beyond the concept of expected damage...

Hammer of Math: Xenos Dedicated Transport Survival

This week's article continues our look at Dedicated Transports from last week, focusing on the xenos options available. We continue to see transports get fielded as key parts of winning lists, and as more events continue to responsibly open we're...

Hammer of Math: Imperium/Chaos Dedicated Transport Survival

One of the things that's becoming readily apparent about 9th Edition is that the ability to take and hold objectives is a key priority. Transports, which were largely ignored in 8th Edition, are seeing a comeback as a useful...

Hammer of Math: Grenades

This week's article takes a look at the utility of grenades in Warhammer 40K, and at what point (if ever) should you consider tossing one instead of shooting the enemy in the face. The grenade is a bit of an...

Hammer of Math: Gravis Armour

This week Hammer of Math will look at the big boys of Cawl's Primaris Marines; Gravis Armour. With the addition of Eradicators from Indomitus, the potential for new units out of the Codex coming in October, and a complete...

Hammer of Math: 9th Edition Battlefields, Strategic Reserves, and Area Denial

This week's Hammer of Math goes outside the realm of probability and arithmetic to look at something you probably haven't thought about since middle school; geometry. Specifically how the smaller battlefield should change your expectations for how the game...

Hammer of Math: 9th Edition Primary and Secondary Objectives

Note: For the latest objectives from the 2022 War Zone: Nachmund GT Book please click this article. This week's Hammer of Math looks at one of the potentially most significant changes in 9th Edition; the presence of primary and secondary...

Hammer of Math: Weapon Changes in 9th Edition

While we don't have the FAQs to get a complete picture of everything, we do know quite a few pieces of information about how different weapons will work in 9th Edition. This gives us an opportunity to look at...