Hammer of Math

Hammer of Math: Risk Management in Blood Bowl

This week's Hammer of Math goes to the realm of fantasy football and looks at one of Kevin's favorite games; Blood Bowl! We'll take a look a the basics of this amazing game from Games Workshop and discuss the...

Hammer of Math: 9th Edition Special Issue Ammunition Deep Dive

The recent changes in the Deathwatch Codex Supplement included some significant modifications to Special Issue Ammunition along with a major curtailing of which units can actually equip it. Although we briefly covered the topic a few weeks ago, several...

Hammer of Math: Killing Necrons

This week's Hammer of Math takes a look at what is likely going to be a significant challenge for many armies; killing a block of 20 Necron Warriors. With the release of the latest iteration of Codex: Necrons we've seen...

Hammer of Math: Deathwatch Supplement

This week's Hammer of Math takes a look at some of the numbers behind the new Deathwatch supplement to Codex: Space Marines. For a review of the codex which drops next week, click the link here. Special Issue Ammunition The new...

Hammer of Math: Power Weapons

This week's Hammer of Math takes a look at the new stat lines for power weapons that Games Workshop rolled out in the new Codex: Space Marines and accompanying FAQ updates, and provides a bit of comparison to help...

Hammer of Math: Command Protocols

This week's Hammer of Math takes a look at a completely new mechanic within the Necron codex: Command Protocols. When Space Marines got their massive monofaction boost in the form of Combat Doctrines back in September 2019, it was only...

Hammer of Math: Eradicators

If there's one thing that's been talked about since the revelation of 9th edition and Codex: Space Marines in particular, it's the immense potential of the Eradicator. Already a standout from the Indomitus box, Codex: Space Marines takes things...

Hammer of Math: Reanimation Protocols

This week's Hammer of Math looks at the biggest change to the Necrons since the discovery of green translucent plastic rods; the 9th Edition changes to Reanimation Protocols. Readers who aren't familiar with the new codex are encouraged to...

Hammer of Math: Expedited Martyrdom

This week's Hammer of Math takes a look at the narrative side of 40K and examines some of the numbers behind the Crusade system and getting your Astartes interred in a Dreadnought as quickly as possible. I'll freely admit; as...

Hammer of Math: Expected Damage vs Expected Kills

This week's Hammer of Math takes a look at what happens when you examine the impact of the target's Wound characteristic when calculating how many expected damage are dealt by a particular attack. Expected Damage The concept of expected value is...