Hammer of Math

Hammer of Math: Base Geometry

We take a look at the most common base sizes in 40k and talk about how their size impacts disembarking and charges.

Hammer of Math: Modifiers and Re-rolls in Tenth Edition Warhammer 40k

In this week's Hammer of Math we look at the value of re-rolls vs. modifiers and talk about when to fish for results.

Hammer of Math: The Good Meta, the Bad Meta, and the In-Between

In this week's Hammer of Math, we take a look at faction win rates for top Elo players and how those compare to players with lower scores - is there a different meta for top players?

Hammer of Math: Blood Angel Liberator Assault Group Stratagems

This week's Hammer of Math takes a close look at the choices behind the Savage Echoes and Red Rampage Stratagems in the Liberator Assault Group in the new Codex: Blood Angels. The Blood Angels are an iconic part of Warhammer...

Hammer of Math: Feeling No Pain

This week's Hammer of Math looks at the distribution of effective wounds with Feel No Pain. The concept of Effective Wounds is one that we've discussed frequently in this column, and this week I had an interesting question come up;...

Helmawr of Math: Necromunda Spyre Hunt Masters

This week's Hammer of Math goes on a murderous joy ride with the scions of House Helmawr and examines the weapon options of the Spyre Hunt Master. In the Grim Darkness of the Far Past known as 1997, when the...

Hammer of Math: 40K Imperial Agents Assassins

This week's Hammer of Math explores the ways Assassins can execute the Emperor's foes in the new Codex Imperial Agents. It's safe to say that the Imperium gets the most toys, especially when something like Codex Imperial Agents comes out....

Hammer of Math: Age of Sigmar Arkanaut Company vs Grundstok Thunderers

This week's Hammer of Math looks at the differences between the shooting and melee output of Kharadron Overlord Grundstok Thunderers and Arkanaut Company. Kharadron Overlords in Age of Sigmar have always intrigued me. Professionally I'm an engineer, so anything to...

Hammer of Math: Battleline Mission Rules in Pariah Nexus

We take a look at mission rules in Pariah Nexus and how they affect faction win rates.

Hammer of Math: Orrus Lethal Output

This week’s Hammer of Math looks at the lethality of the Spyrer Orrus as the suit steadily gets more and more effective. When people think of dystopian futures, sooner or later you end up with people being hunted for sport....