Hammer of Math

Hammer of Math: Death Guard Psychic Disciplines

This week's Hammer of Math takes a likely fatal deep dive into the Contagion and Fester Disciplines of the Death Guard. With the arrival of The Book of Rust and the addition of a second discipline for members of a...

Hammer of Math: Razorflails, Competitive Edge, and the Joys of Massed Attacks

This week's Hammer of Math takes a look at the delightfully broken synergies available to Drukhari Succubi thanks to the Book of Rust. One of my favorite things to write in Hammer of Math is about the more absurd combinations...

Hammer of Math: Personal Taste and Unscrupulous Players – The History of Scatter

In celebration of this week being GOONHAMMER '96 (retro week), this week's Hammer of Math takes a look at the iconic (but sadly missing from 9th Edition 40k) scatter die. If you're an avid Necromunda, Titanicus, or Horus Heresy...

Hammer of Math Spotlight: The New Drukhari Codex

This week's Hammer of Math visits the wonderful, friendly, and not at all terrifying realm of Commorragh to take a quick peek at the new Drukhari Codex before our eyeballs are replaced with spiders. The new Drukhari Codex looks really fun, bringing...

Hammer of Math: Necron Changes in Kill Team

This week's Hammer of Math takes a look at some of the changes to the Necrons from the Kill Team Pariah Nexus box and looks at how their new weapons help them take out other kill teams. Kill Team is...

Hammer of Math: Space Marine Heavy Smashers

This week's Hammer of Math takes a fresh look at some of the heavy hitters of the Space Marine army, and how they've changed in 9th edition. The concept of the Smash Captain is a simple one. Take a Space...

Hammer of Math: Defeating a God-Engine

This week's Hammer of Math takes another massive, earth-shattering step into the world of Tiny Titans and the math behind the weapons that they're armed with. Combat in Adeptus Titanicus essentially consists of two phases: Inflicting enough hits to force...

Hammer of Math: Missions from the GT 2020 Mission Pack

In this week’s Hammer of Math we're taking a look at the missions players pick in 40k and the impact that choice has on the game. If you have a math-related question you'd like to see answered in a...

Hammer of Math: Transhuman Physiology and Gene-Wrought Might

This week's Hammer of Math takes a deep dive into the optimal strategy for applying Transhuman Physiology and Gene-Wrought Might courtesy of a reader question. If you would like a question answered in this series, please use this form...

Hammer of Math: T’au Commanders, Combi-Weapons, and Morty vs Deathwing

This week's Hammer of Math will cover several reader submitted questions submitted via our request form. Specifically we'll look at the difference between T'au Commander options, when (if ever) it's worth firing both barrels of combi-weapons, and which of...