Hammer of Math

Hammer of Math: Adeptus Titanicus Volkite Weapons

This week's Hammer of Math looks at the efficacy of the new volkite weapons in Adeptus Titanicus. In the Warhammer 40,000 universe, volkite weapons are heat rays capable of deflagrating the enemy and piercing even the thickest of armor. While...

Hammer of Math: Killing Drukhari Raiders (Reader Edition)

Now that the content hose has died down a little bit, we're going to revisit everybody's favorite vehicle and look at some reader submitted threats against Drukhari Raiders. Thanks to everyone who used the submission link to post their...

Hammer of Math: Codex Adepta Sororitas

This week's Hammer of Math continues to ride the wave of new GW releases for 40k and takes a look at the piety and potential of the new Codex: Adepta Sororitas.  Apparently the flood gates have been opened at Games...

Hammer of Math: Kroak, Kragnos, and Doralia Van Dest

This week's Hammer of Math dives into Age of Sigmar's Broken Realms: Kragnos to take a look at Lord Kroak's unique ability to withstand damage, the amazing lethal output of Kragnos, and the sniper prowess of Doralia ven Denst.     Lord...

Hammer of Math: Skitarii Deep Dive

With the release of the new Codex: Adeptus Mechanicus we're taking a step away from looking at Raiders to look at some of the options behind what we think will be the CORE of any AdMech force; tons of...

Hammer of Math: Killing Drukhari Raiders (Chaos Edition)

This week we continue to look at some of the ways that various factions can murder the delightfully undercosted Drukhari Raider by taking a look at several Chaos options. If you've read this series so far - Part 1 on Imperial...

Hammer of Math: Killing Drukhari Raiders (Xenos Edition)

Last week we looked at the viability of killing Drukhari Raiders using several Imperial options, and this week the series continues with a selection of xenos units. I would like to thank everyone in the /r/WarhammerCompetitive subreddit for their...

Hammer of Math: Killing Drukhari Raiders (Imperial Edition)

Codex: Drukhari continues to take the competitive world by storm, and with GW on a bit of a COVID-induced temporary hiatus it doesn't seem like there's going to be many new products to counter them. With that in mind...

Hammer of Math: Contemptor Customization

This week's Hammer of Math answer a question from reader Jeremy regarding the myriad options available to a the Contemptor Dreadnought. Space Marines are rarely at a loss for choices, and the Relic Contemptor Dreadnought from Imperial Armour Compendium is...

Hammer of Math: When to Scythe and When to Cleave

This week's Hammer of Math is a bit of preparation for our upcoming Start Competing article for Death Guard. With the efficacy of Mortarion and Deathshroud Terminators, when should you use the different options for their scythes? 40k remains a...