Hammer of Math

Hammer of Math: Ork Kulturs

This week's Hammer of Math takes a look at the effect of the different bonuses available to each Ork Kultur. The (somewhat) new Codex: Orks is filled with cool new rules and models and we're already seeing it take tables...

Hammer of Math: Boltgun Special Rules in Kill Team 2.0

Primaris Kevin returns with a new Hammer of Math article, this time looking at the impact of different weapon modifiers on weapon output. As one might expect from a game about elite tactical units fighting against one another, there are...

Hammer of Math: Kill Team Attack Sequence

Last week Primaris Kevin took a break so he could focus on getting terrain ready for the upcoming US Goonhammer Open. This week we're back, and Hammer of Math takes a look at the core attack and defense system...

Hammer of Math: Ork Codex

Last week I asked you to provide me with some suggestions about topics from Codex: Orks that you thought might be worth exploring, and many of you did just that. So let's take a look! Orks is best. They're fun...

Hammer of Math: Quick Hits on Paragon Warsuits and Dark Technomancers

This week's Hammer of Math addresses some reader submitted questions on loadouts for Paragon Warsuits and Dark Technomancers! One of my favorite things to do is get ideas for new articles from readers. The best way to submit one is...

Hammer of Math: Be’lakor and Friends

Last week we took a quick look at the Book of Fire from the Imperial side, this time we put our undivided attention on the vastly upgraded Be'lakor and the machinations of the warp that he can summon. The First-Damned....

Hammer of Math: The Book of Fire

This week's Hammer of Math takes a look at some of the new matched play rules from War Zone Charadon: The Book of Fire for the Imperium. Next week we'll look at Chaos. Games Workshop dropped another campaign book to...

Hammer of Math: Refunding Command Points

This week's Hammer of Math takes a look at abilities which allow for Command Points to be refunded, and determines the likelihood they'll be worth the cost. When 8th Edition came about, players quickly realized the immense value of maximizing...

Hammer of Math: Adeptus Titanicus Volkite Weapons

This week's Hammer of Math looks at the efficacy of the new volkite weapons in Adeptus Titanicus. In the Warhammer 40,000 universe, volkite weapons are heat rays capable of deflagrating the enemy and piercing even the thickest of armor. While...

Hammer of Math: Killing Drukhari Raiders (Reader Edition)

Now that the content hose has died down a little bit, we're going to revisit everybody's favorite vehicle and look at some reader submitted threats against Drukhari Raiders. Thanks to everyone who used the submission link to post their...