grey knights

How to Paint Everything: Ritual of the Damned

Ritual of the Damned released last weekend, with brand new rules for the Dark Angels, Grey Knights, and Thousand Sons. It's an exciting time for all three factions, and we expect new players will be raring to pick these...

Hammer of Math: Grey Knight Numerics

In this week’s Hammer of Math, Kevin is going to give some much needed attention to one of the bluish-silverish headed stepchildren of 8th Edition. We here at Goonhammer love how well Ritual of the Damned gave three of...

How to Paint Everything – Grey Knights

In our How to Paint Everything series, we take a look at different armies of the Warhammer universe, examine their history and heraldry, and look at several different methods for painting them. Today we take a look at the loyalist Thousand...

Hammer of Math: Calculus of the Damned

In this week's Hammer of Math, Kevin and Rob take a look at some of the possibilities within the latest Psychic Awakening Book, Ritual of the Damned, and how they impact the forces of the Thousand Sons, Grey Knights,...

Ritual of the Damned Reviews

In case you missed all the reviews yesterday (they're still on the front page as of this writing), we've collected them for you here. Psychic Awakening 4: Ritual of the Damned is coming out next week, and it's a doozy....

Ritual of the Damned Review, Part 2: Grey Knights

Christmas may have been and gone, but for three 40K factions the new year brings its own supply of juicy presents! Psychic Awakening: Ritual of the Damned goes up for pre-order today, and Games Workshop have been kind enough...

Chapter Approved 2019 Balance Changes – The Goonhammer Review

With the release of Chapter Approved 2019 comes Games Workshop’s annual points review of Warhammer 40,000. And while previous years have seen only changes published in the Chapter Approved Book, this year we’re getting our own standalone book with...

Hammer of Math: Diet Smite (Imperial Edition)

In last week's Hammer of Math, Kevin Genson went through the probability of successfully manifesting psyker powers under various conditions and also discussed the efficacy of the universally known Smite power. This week the psyker shenanigans continue with a...

Tournament Report – The London Open – Part 1

Last week Wings brought you a preview of the London Open, discussing his army list, looking at some of the more interesting armies out in the field, and triggering some mild controversy regarding a certain Grav-Tank. Before the mighty...

A Battle Report Using the New Maelstrom Rules: Daemons vs. Grey Knights

As part of our ongoing series of articles about the new maelstrom rules (part 1 here, part 2 here, in case you missed them), we thought it would be good to include a battle report for some additional context....