
I Bring Ill Tidings Regarding the Reign of Terror

It doesn’t really matter if the book sucks. It’s almost a relief.

This is What Trough Performance Looks Like. The Goonhammer Open, Reviewed

As promised, I have returned from the 2k23 US Goonhammer Open, with tales to tell. Baltimore remains a great and terrible place, and the Baltimore Convention Center was probably the nicest, or at least biggest, building in which I...

A Goonhammer Open GT Primer, of Sorts

Brace for impact with this extremely-timely and useful GT primer. It won't help you get good. Nothing will.

Gunum Interviews: …Greg?

The Goonhammer Posting Universe - or the GPU, as the execs call it - has a collection of different characters that the internet has gotten to know over the past three or four years. I, myself was enamored by...

Who’s Apologizing Now?

Greg wrote a post yesterday that included some stuff from our games this past weekend, and after reading it I’ve realized that I need to set the record straight on a few things. Well, one thing really. That thing...

Adeptican’t: The Heart of the Hurricane

Like most people, most years, I also did not go to Adepticon last weekend. Instead, I took part in a Crusade-based Narrative campaign, which is a nicer way of saying I didn't leave the house for two days. You don’t...

Playing the Least Army

This started off as a serious attempt at army construction. I was just trying to make something that I could take to events, and had no idea where it was headed. I need everyone to remember that. After going 0-6...

Just Paint

We've all been there. Whether you’re an experienced warhammer user, or you’re new in town, have you considered: putting paint on some dang models? I am not here to scold anyone, rather to offer encouragement. If you want painted models...

Buttscribe: Now in Crusade Form.

Just in time for most of us to regain access to our office printers, get ready to blast through your boss's supply of toner. Reader, it's Crusadin' time, and ButtScribe, everyone's favorite portable way to access Warhammer rules that...

Editorial: Can we not, with the Fallen thing?

Assuming the 2021 release schedule doesn’t get any more buck wild than it currently is, it’s about to be Dark Angels Season here on Goonhammer, and we're here to talk about the Darkest Angels there are: Fallen. Like shaking...