
Century of the Vampire: Ultraviolet (2006)

Welcome to the Century of the Vampire, an ongoing weekly feature where Goonhammer managing editor Jonathan Bernhardt watches some piece of vampire media, probably a movie but maybe eventually television will get a spot in here too, and talks about...

I Think You Should Buy A Boat

A Japanese Type 93 torpedo - known generally as the “Long Lance” even if the original owner/operator never called it that -  is 20 feet long and weighs as much as a car. It’s a cylinder two feet across,...

I Bring Ill Tidings Regarding the Reign of Terror

It doesn’t really matter if the book sucks. It’s almost a relief.

This is What Trough Performance Looks Like. The Goonhammer Open, Reviewed

As promised, I have returned from the 2k23 US Goonhammer Open, with tales to tell. Baltimore remains a great and terrible place, and the Baltimore Convention Center was probably the nicest, or at least biggest, building in which I...

A Goonhammer Open GT Primer, of Sorts

Brace for impact with this extremely-timely and useful GT primer. It won't help you get good. Nothing will.

Gunum Interviews: …Greg?

The Goonhammer Posting Universe - or the GPU, as the execs call it - has a collection of different characters that the internet has gotten to know over the past three or four years. I, myself was enamored by...

Who’s Apologizing Now?

Greg wrote a post yesterday that included some stuff from our games this past weekend, and after reading it I’ve realized that I need to set the record straight on a few things. Well, one thing really. That thing...

Adeptican’t: The Heart of the Hurricane

Like most people, most years, I also did not go to Adepticon last weekend. Instead, I took part in a Crusade-based Narrative campaign, which is a nicer way of saying I didn't leave the house for two days. You don’t...

Playing the Least Army

This started off as a serious attempt at army construction. I was just trying to make something that I could take to events, and had no idea where it was headed. I need everyone to remember that. After going 0-6...

Just Paint

We've all been there. Whether you’re an experienced warhammer user, or you’re new in town, have you considered: putting paint on some dang models? I am not here to scold anyone, rather to offer encouragement. If you want painted models...