gloomspite gitz

Dawnbringers Book 1: Harbingers – The Goonhammer Review

This review was completed with a free copy of Dawnbringers: Harbingers provided by Games Workshop. As we come to the end of this cycle of battletomes - only two remaining at this point - that often means it's time to...

Battletome: Gloomspite Gitz 2023 – The Goonhammer Review

This review was completed using a copy of Battletome: Gloomspite Gitz given to us free by Games Workshop. It's here, possibly the most anticipated battletome of all time. Gloomspite Gitz has a reputation for being...a bit rough around the edges....

Age of Sigmar 3.0 FAQ: Gloomspite Gitz

GW released a bombshell of new FAQs on Friday, covering errata for the core book and lengthy FAQs for each faction. And as always, we’ve got you covered with the rundown of what’s changed and what it means for...

Broken Realms: Kragnos Part 7 – Gloomspite Gitz

The Gloomspite Gitz are follower of Kragnos as well and while small, they are dangerous in large numbers. I'm going to be up front here, technically there is nothing new here. Similar to how the Ynnari and Inquisition were handled in...

White Dwarf # 459 The Tome Celestial: The Grimscuttle Tribes

The Badmoon rises again with another Tome Celestial augmenting the Gloomspite Gitz. Recent issues have given us The Jaws of Mork, dedicated to Squig heavy lists and Troggherds for Troggoths. The third (and final?) Tome Celestial for the faction is...

Goonhammer Holiday Guide: Mortal Realms Edition

With the 2020 holidays nearly upon us, it’s time to talk about gifts. Whether you’re shopping for a loved one or a Secret Santa recipient, trying to keep things lowkey or looking to splurge, or just grabbing something for...

White Dwarf #457 The Tome Celestial: Troggherds

Da Bad Moon gives us another blessing yet again! Not two months after the last Tome Celestial, we get another one, and for Gloomspite Gitz again! Last time it was The Jaws of Mork aimed at the popular mascot of...

Age of Sigmar: Legendary Battalions Update

Games Workshop dropped a little bit of an update today to clarify some confusing information as a consequence of GH2020 rules updates. The Developer's Commentary for General's Handbook 2020 stated that any publications that were not in the most...