Genestealer Cults

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Lone Heroes

Apologies for being a day late - I'm recovering from a bout of COVID! Nephilim continues to be very popular, but it's fair to say that this week mostly feels like we've hit the point where the metagame has fully consolidated...

The Other GSC: Broodcoven Kill Team Tactics

When Kill Team 2.0 was initially announced I was incredibly excited for it. I had been a big fan of 1.0 and was eagerly looking forward to an improved version of it. Unfortunately this eagerness turned to disappointment as...

The Enemy Within: Wyrmblade Genestealer Cults Kill Team Tactics

Do you enjoy plotting the downfall of civilization from your secret lair beneath the city streets? Do you plot to spread propaganda about the sky god to anyone who will listen? Do you have more than two arms? If...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: The Three Ursine Hypothesis

We've had too much 40k, and not enough 40k, and now we appear to have come to the third ursine and had just the right amount of 40k. More weekends like this, please. We have one major for you this...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Gold Standard pt.2

Warhammer continues to intensify, and while I'm not going to pretend that there aren't more Tau and Custodes lists to point at, today's events do at least feature a few more varied matchups on the top tables - so...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Gold Standard pt.1

All looking a bit shiny out there huh? Tau and Custodes are hitting their stride, and that would appear to be bad news for everyone else - this week's roundup touches on 73 lists once you account for all...

Ruleshammer 40k: Genestealer Cults

Welcome to Ruleshammer Codex Genestealer Cults - the one place to look for Ruleshammer Q&A on main book Genestealer Cults issues! You can also find answers to many more questions in the Ruleshammer Compendium! Last Updated: 2022-03-24 Current Q&A Ambush markers...

War Zone Nachmund Faction Focus: Genestealer Cults

The first competitive season for 40k has arrived, with War Zone: Nachmund giving us new points, missions, secondary objectives, and rules to contemplate. These rules represent a major shake-up for competitive 40k and to help you make sense of...

White Dwarf 472: Wyrmblade Kill Teams Review

White Dwarf 472 brings us the latest in the series of White Dwarf updates to Compendium Kill Teams, giving us the Wyrmblade Kill Team, an updated set of rules for Genestealer Cult teams. While standard Genestealer Cult teams focused...

Ruleshammer 40k Q&A, January 21, 2022

Welcome to Ruleshammer! This week we’re covering some more questions submitted by you, the readers, and our patrons on the Goonhammer Discord. Remember the banner below will take you to the Ruleshammer 9th Edition Compedium, for all the questions I’ve...