Genestealer Cults

Ruleshammer 40k Q&A : July 16th 2021

Welcome to Ruleshammer, a collection of resources to help explain the detail and complexity of some of the more confusing rules in Warhammer 40k. This week we’re covering some more questions submitted by you, the readers, and our patrons...

Our Inbox Sucks: Bonus entries from the One-Box Challenge

Well you’ve seen what we came up with, and now - our fury spent - we turn to the rest of the Goonhammer Cinematic Universe, for some other takes on the concept. We’re genuinely shocked by how well this...

Your Army Sucks 2k21 Preview, Part 3: Xenos

It’s a whole new year, and your army is likely to see some changes. Goonhammer is here to help, with an unbiased preview of every army, how it plays, and what to expect. We’ll be covering each codex with...

Goonhammer FAQ Hot Take: Xenos Factions Points Updates, January 2021

GW released a bombshell of new FAQs today, covering updates to the GT missions, points updates, and rules clarifications and errata. And as always, we’ve got you covered with the rundown of what’s changed and what it means for...

Competing with Genestealer Cults in 9th – An Interview with Bilbo Göransson

Having been one of the game's top armies for an extended period in 8th, it's no secret that Genestealer Cults have found themselves facing something of an uphill struggle in 9th Edition's competitive scene, and are a rare sight...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: European Bonanza

All the hot Space Marine and Necron details are now out in the wild, FAQs are flying thick and fast and across the world the creative juices are flowing as players try to work out how best to achieve...

October 2020 FAQ Update Review – Genestealer Cults and Tyranids

In advance of the upcoming release of Codex: Space Marines and as promised, Games Workshop dropped a massive FAQ update on us today (remember when we said fifteen books needed FAQs? Turns out it was more). There’s a lot...

Getting Started: Genestealer Cults

At Goonhammer we’ve devoted a lot of words to talking about how to compete and take your game to the next level. In “Getting Started,” we look at how to get started with an army – the basics you...

Start Competing: Genestealer Cults – Updated!

A lot can change in six months, and while some factions have made big gains, some have had a tough time, with Genestealer Cults being one of the biggest losers. A hostile metagame and some big nerfs have threatened...

Hot Take: The Greater Good FAQ

In Goonhammer Hot Takes, we do quick-pass reviews and reactions to new releases, rules, and events. In today’s Hot Take, we’re covering the new FAQ for Psychic Awakening: The Greater Good. With the surprise release of today's Greater Good FAQ,...