genestealer cult

Soggy’s Road to NoVA, Part 3: Shuffling deckchairs

Hi friendos, in this series we've been tracking our progress towards the NoVA open which is now less than six weeks away. You can check out everyone's (much better progress) on the main post here. This time of year is always...

Neon Mentor’s Road to NoVA- Part 1: Oh Sweet Christ I’m So Behind

Hey there Ham fans I'm Jay, sometimes known as Neon/Steel Mentor on the internets. I'm a big dumb idiot who doesn't plan ahead properly and loves pain. Back when I was first considering a trip to NoVA, hyped up on...

The Big FAQ 3 and You

The Big FAQ 3 And You Making the Most of the Changes   It's finally here! After almost a month of interminable waiting, Slaanesh announcements, and surveys, Games Workshop finally delivered its third major FAQ/Errata for Warhammer 40,000 and man did they...