Game of Thrones

CMON Fix Golden Company – SO3 Update Review for ASOIAF

It has been a few months since the update for A Song of Ice and Fire was launched bringing us into Season 3. This is plenty of time for the rules to settle and for everyone who plays to...

ASOIAF Miniatures Game Content is Back!

A Song of Ice and Fire Miniatures Game content is about to begin (again) here on Goonhammer. This article is intended to serve as an introduction to Goonhammer for the community of ASOIAF while also being an introduction for...

Song of Ice and Fire Faction Focus: House Greyjoy Tactics

This week we're returning to the Song of Ice and Fire Miniatures game and looking at the forces of House Greyjoy. The forces of House Greyjoy are, mechanically, a Vampire Counts army. The design all clicks together once you realize this....

Song of Ice and Fire: House Lannister Updated

It's been a year since I wrote my introduction to House Lannister and a lot has changed for the faction and my skill as a player in that time. The release of Lannister Heroes 3 is the milestone for...

A Song of Ice and Fire: Listbuilding 101

Listbuilding in Song presents some interesting challenges and pressures that might not be obvious at first. While there’s not the same need to list tailor to a specific scenario as there is in games like Infinity, alternating activations create...

A Song of Ice and Fire: How To Handle Invincibility

SOIAF is a really good game. There’s enough happening on the tactical layer with cards, NCUs, and various tricks that it makes a game about putting rectangles into different rectangles incredibly spicy. Every so often I hit some incredible...

A Song Of Ice And Fire 2022 Balance Update

Coming in hot on Monday morning (only a weekend late from the expected Friday 11th Feb landing time), the ASOIAF Miniatures game v2021 SO-1 has landed with a round of buffs, nerfs, small but relevant core rules changes and...

A Song of Ice and Fire: Free Folk

This week's guest article is written by Robert Cantrell. Cantrell has had a lot of success as an Infinity player, but has been experimenting recently with Song of Ice and Fire.   “Wait a minute, you’re not Thanqol!”Indeed I am not...

A Song of Ice and Fire: House Targaryen

  Before I get into it, I want to acknowledge that the Dothraki as they are presented in Game of Thrones are kind of a racist caricature of steppe nomad culture. Bret Devereaux has written a fantastic series examining this...

A Song of Ice and Fire: House Stark

It's been a few weeks since our last update on House Lannister; thank you for your patience. The good news is that delay has been a productive one - I've been getting in as many practice games with House...