
Goonhammer Historicals: Baccus 6mm Great War French

The Great War has been something of a passing interest for me since I took a course on it in college. I needed to fill out my general education requirements and wanted a history class, but the wehraboos had...

Organised Play Announcment for ASOIAF:TMG – Hits and Crits

For ASOIAF: The Miniatures Game, events and tournaments are one of the main drivers for growth in the community. Many are pulled to spend their weekends rolling dice for the fate for Westeros whilst sharing in on these moments...

An interview with Timothée Aubriot; inaugural champion of the French Kings of War Masters

G'day Goonhammer readers! Kings of War events are varied and diverse. From two-day long grand tournaments to small narrative events, there are a plethora of opportunities to get some games in. A Kings of War Masters, however, is the...