
The 2019 NOVA 40K Narrative Event

The NOVA Open comprises some four levels of the Hyatt at National Airport in Washington D.C. -- everyone who had to walk up and down the broken escalator felt that one -- and there were, roughly, one and a...

Tournament Report – LGT 2019 – Part 1

As previewed last week, this past weekend I've been at the LGT 2019. After a notoriously rocky event last year, the pressure was on the organisers to deliver a fantastic tournament experience, and the first bit of good news...

Hobby Heresy: Playing With Your Bits

In our Hobby Heresy series, we encourage thinking outside the box (literally) when putting models together. They aim to make hobbyists comfortable growing beyond imitating the models they see in their Codexes, and serve as a source of inspiration...

Making Friends and Purging Heretics: Going 2-1 at the Bel Air Games RTT

Introduction Hola my dudes and dudettes, Scott Horras "Heresy" here with my debut Goonhammer article. Today I've got a hot and spicy 2-1 RTT performance recap for you all to be marginally disappointed with. Oh yeah, I make my memes...

Necromunday: Special Ammo and Grenades

Good Morning and a fine Necromunday to all of you out there in the Underhive!  We’ve covered a lot of the basics by now, so as of this week we’ll be breaking into some of the options available to folks...

Content We Liked: 9/15/2019

The Week Ending September 14th, 2019 Although it’s a big internet out there, the Warhammer digital universe is pretty small and spread out. In Content We Liked, we take a look at the articles, videos, podcasts, and products that caught our eyes...

Tacticool 101: Deathwatch Tactics for Kill Team

Deathwatch Kill Teams With access to a wide variety of equipment, units, and customization options, Deathwatch may be the faction that Kill Team was made for. The whole thought of a team of elite Marines taking on covert missions far...

Start Competing: Deathwatch Tactics

This page now references an out of date edition of the game. For Start Competing: Deathwatch in 10th edition and onwards, please click here. The Deathwatch are a unique Space Marine Chapter, originating in 3rd edition and following a somewhat...

Aeronautica Imperialis Review: Tiny Planes, Big Possibilities

Hello, Immanentized back with another entry in the Unclehammer canon! Games Workshop released Aeronautica Imperialis on September 7th, and I've gone through the trouble of buying every available kit on release and reviewing it all for you wonderful readers here. As...

Tournament Preview – Three Cool Lists from the LGT

This coming week sees an especially exciting tournament coming up - the LGT. As TheChirurgeon already covered in his metagame analysis article, this represents the last "grand slam" of the summer, and is also the last huge event prior...