
Content We Liked: 9/29/2019

The Week Ending September 28th, 2019 Although it’s a big internet out there, the Warhammer digital universe is pretty small and spread out. In Content We Liked, we take a look at the articles, videos, podcasts, and products that caught our eyes...

The Goonhammer Round Table: Dealing With Iron Hands

With the release of Codex Supplement: Iron Hands and the rest of the new marine books, we’re about to see a large-scale shift in the 40k meta. We’ve already looked into the math around Iron Hands vehicles earlier this...

Start Competing: Imperial Knights Tactics

Glory and honour! Welcome to Start Competing: Imperial Knights, our guide to getting the best out of the towering war machines of the Knight Households. Like their opposite numbers the Chaos Knights, Imperial Knights are all about bringing the...

Kill Team Tactics: Everything you need to know (but didn’t want to know) about Injury Rolls ever

Time for more words about getting into Kill Team. And today, I'm going to talk about Injury Rolls in Kill Team. This is probably the biggest difference in systems between 40k and Kill Team, and since it’s not exactly...

Tournament Report – LGT 2019 – Part 2

Part 1 Welcome back to part two of my report from the LGT. Last time we checked in I'd just narrowly lost to Tom Leighton's Knights & Space Marines army, so was keen to put up a win to close...

Your Dice Suck

Hello Goonhammer readers! Greg and TheChirurgeon, the worst and dumbest writers on this site, respectively, are officially Back on Our Bullshit. This week we’ve shit out 3,000 words into another definitive ranking article that will  rank things in such...

Narrative Forge: Greenstuff Casting 101

In our Fabricator General series, we talk about hobbying techniques and tricks, and ways to build, model, shape, and fix everything, with an eye toward information for both beginners and veterans. This week, BuffaloChicken is back to talk about casting...

Hammer of Math: Iron Hands Vehicles

Saturday saw the release of the Iron Hands rules and hoo boy, they are a doozy. Between the Hands' Chapter Trait, the new doctrine, the Ironstone Relic, and the new warlord traits, it looks like Iron Hands are going...

Necromunday: Houses of the Underhive – Orlock

Howdy, Scummers, and welcome back! This week, we’re ripping down the old Orlock article to the studs, and rebuilding it to include all of the new tricks and gear from House of Iron. Spoiler alert: it’s a lot, and...

The Mountain is Open, and It’s Hungry – Warhammer Underworlds: Beastgrave Review

It's been 2 years since Games Workshop released Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire to widespread acclaim. Shadespire - a competitive miniatures skirmish game - quickly sold out as players dove headfirst into the Mirrored City looking for glory and shadeglass. Shadespire released with...