
Goonhammer’s Last-Minute Guide to the LVO 2020 40k Open

Well readers, the time has finally come - LVO is upon us. And whether you're attending in person this year, making your last-minute preparations, or just planning to follow along at home on stream, we at the Goonhammer gang...

Las Vegas Open – Field Analysis and Three Cool Lists

You didn’t think we’d skip out on this did you? Starting this Friday is the Las Vegas open, the largest event of the 40K year and (in this instance) likely to be the largest 40K event ever run. I’m writing...

Ritual of the Damned Review Part 4: The Lore

We've seen so far how the Psychic Awakening is enhancing latent psychic abilities across the galaxy. Prayer is more powerful, demons are surging, and Librarians from all Chapter are finding their abilities strengthened. So what happens to those who...

State of the 40k Meta: January 2020

Welcome back, dear reader, to another State of the Meta analysis. December was a busy month for Warhammer 40,000! Psychic Awakening has already given us three supplements (with a fourth on the way), plus Chapter Approved 2019 and the...

The Horus Heresy – Legion Overview – The Death Guard

Oops, this is for Horus Heresy 1.0! - you might be after the updated article here. The Horus Heresy: Legion Overview - The Death Guard The Space Marine Legions of the First Founding make up the core factions and conflict of...

How to Paint Everything: Human Skin

People come in all shapes, sizes, and colors and the warriors of the Mortal Realms/41st millennium are no different. In this article, we'll cover the basics of human skin in a variety of different shades, including the principles behind...

Necromunday: Houses of the Underhive – Van Saar

Howdy, scummers! Welcome to another week of Necromunday coverage, where this week we’re taking a deep dive into House Van Saar! So jack in, boot up, and tip your hat to the other console cowboys as we discover what...

Hammer of Math: Calculus of the Damned

In this week's Hammer of Math, Kevin and Rob take a look at some of the possibilities within the latest Psychic Awakening Book, Ritual of the Damned, and how they impact the forces of the Thousand Sons, Grey Knights,...

Content We Liked, 1/19/2020

The Week Ending January 18th, 2020 Although it’s a big internet out there, the Warhammer digital universe is pretty small and spread out. In Content We Liked, we take a look at the articles, videos, podcasts, and products that caught our eyes...

Ritual of the Damned Reviews

In case you missed all the reviews yesterday (they're still on the front page as of this writing), we've collected them for you here. Psychic Awakening 4: Ritual of the Damned is coming out next week, and it's a doozy....