
Ruleshammer: How Many Models Can Fight in the Fight Phase?

Although we love Warhammer 40,000, the game's complexity can be daunting, particularly for newer players. In Ruleshammer, we look at the nuances of the game's rules and how they affect gameplay, clearing up potential issues and helping make sense...

Three Cool Lists from the Fargo Two Rivers Open GT

Welcome back list review fans. James "One_Wing" Grover isn't the only one that can do these (though he's almost certainly better at it). Now that we're finally getting into the full swing of the 2020 ITC season, it's time...

Warlord Wednesdays: Adeptus Titanicus Legio Focus: Legio Fortidus “Dauntless”

Welcome back to Goonhammer’s series for aspiring Titan Principes. We here at Goonhammer’s own Collegia Titanica know that Adeptus Titanicus can seem intimidating to players unfamiliar with its particular quirks, but this series aims to equip you with everything...

Introducing Ruleshammer

If you've ever check out our Content We Liked posts, it's clear that we're big fans of high quality written content about the games we love. Recently, some wonderful work being done around the intricacies and specifics of 40k...

North East Open Tournament Analysis

Good news - big changes in the metagame means that it's exciting to write about tournament results again! Last week we previewed the North East Open, a 100-player major happening in the UK with a formidible roster of players...

King in the North: An Interview with North East Open Winner Konrad Bartkiewicz

Suddenly, with one announcement from Games Workshop, it’s a whole new world out there. Sometimes it can take a few weeks for big changes to the game to spread through the metagame as we wait for new rules to...

Goonhammer Hobby Round-up: February 2020

Following on from last month's inaugural Goonhammer hobby round-up, here's February's edition. This month features more Space Marines, tiny planes, Chaos of all shapes, sizes, and gaming systems, tokens galore, Necromunda... a whole swathe of hobby progress! Corrode This month has...

Content We Liked: 3/1/2020

The Week Ending February 29th, 2020 Although it’s a big internet out there, the Warhammer digital universe is pretty small and spread out. In Content We Liked, we take a look at the articles, videos, podcasts, and products that caught our eyes...


The Goonhammer group is made up of dozens of multi-talented authors, many of whom have other projects outside of the site. In addition to their work here, Dan Boyd and Crudblossom “Coldgore "SRM" McWumba” McLobsterfest have their own podcast, the...

Ding & Dent: Getting Rid of Games

The Goonhammer group is made up of dozens of multi-talented authors, many of which have other projects outside of the site. In addition to his work here, Raf Cordero has his own podcast, Ding and Dent, which is not...