
Content We Liked: 3/1/2020

The Week Ending February 29th, 2020 Although it’s a big internet out there, the Warhammer digital universe is pretty small and spread out. In Content We Liked, we take a look at the articles, videos, podcasts, and products that caught our eyes...


The Goonhammer group is made up of dozens of multi-talented authors, many of whom have other projects outside of the site. In addition to their work here, Dan Boyd and Crudblossom “Coldgore "SRM" McWumba” McLobsterfest have their own podcast, the...

Ding & Dent: Getting Rid of Games

The Goonhammer group is made up of dozens of multi-talented authors, many of which have other projects outside of the site. In addition to his work here, Raf Cordero has his own podcast, Ding and Dent, which is not...

Horus Heresy Hot Take: Dark Angels Legion Interemptor Squad

In Goonhammer Hot Takes, we do quick-pass reviews and reactions to new releases, rules, and events. In today’s Hot Take, we’re covering the newest archeotech to be unearthed from the vaults of the Dreadwing - the Dark Angels Legion...

The Goonhammer Hot Take: The February 2020 Adeptus Titanicus FAQ

Somewhat lost in the shuffle of this week's other FAQs, Games Workshop released updated FAQ and Errata for Adeptus Titanicus yesterday, and if you're curious about what changed or what it means, well we’ve pored over the docs and...

Tournament Report: The Reckoning by Coastal Wargaming and WCG

Shane here again for another tournament report. After hearing about Lawrence Baker taking his Grey Knights to glory out there in the UK at the Beachhead Brawl GT in early February, I started digging into all the new combos...

Goonhammer Round Table: The February 2020 Space Marines FAQs

Yesterday morning Games Workshop dropped a bombshell on players with the surprise release of a set of FAQs that had a massive impact on the competitive meta. In today's Round Table series, the Goonhammer crew - and guest authors...

The Goonhammer Hot Take – Finalised 2020 ITC Missions

At this point Rob has formally declared open season on HOT TAEK THURSDAY because alongside the massive changes to Marines that GW have just pushed out, Frontline Gaming have announced that the updated 2020 ITC mission pack is finalised....

The Goonhammer Hot Take: Space Marines FAQs

Holy crap. Just when we were starting to think that GW wasn't interested in revising Space Marines again, they drop a bombshell on us with a massive new set of FAQs and errata that completely change everything about the faction. OK,...

Hot Take: Warcry Fyreslayers

Gold. Axes. Butts. These are the things that define the Fyreslayers and now all three are present in Warcry. The quest for ur-gold—the shattered remains of the duardin god Grimnir—has brought the half-naked berserkers of the Fyreslayer clans to...