
Community Spotlight: An Interview David Moss of the Tokyo Tactical Gaming Group

The Warhammer 40k Tournament Scene is much bigger than the US and Europe. This April, the Tokyo Tactical gaming group will be hosting its first ITC RTT, a 32-player event called the Tokyo Tactical Reborn. Goonhammer sat down with...

Community Spotlight: The Lord Marshal Conference

We here at Goonhammer love when we have the opportunity to spotlight contributors and examples of excellence within the wider community, which is why we're so excited to introduce you to the Lord Marshal Conference! As the fancy boys...

Ruleshammer: Detachments and Stratagems – what are they and how do I get them?

Although we love Warhammer 40,000, the game’s complexity can be daunting, particularly for newer players. In Ruleshammer, we look at the nuances of the game’s rules and how they affect gameplay, clearing up potential issues and helping make sense...

Hot Take: The Greater Good FAQ

In Goonhammer Hot Takes, we do quick-pass reviews and reactions to new releases, rules, and events. In today’s Hot Take, we’re covering the new FAQ for Psychic Awakening: The Greater Good. With the surprise release of today's Greater Good FAQ,...

New: The Goonhammer Official Discord!

Over the last few months we've received a ton of requests to start a Goonhammer Discord. So we're finally opening one up to our Patrons. We'll be launching the Discord this week, and giving access to all of our...

Event Recap: The Fargo Two Rivers Open GT

Last week, we previewed the Fargo Two Rivers Open GT, featuring three different Goonhammer authors - James “Boon” Kelling, Chase “Gunum” Garber, and Cyle “Naramyth” Thompson. This week, we’re looking back at their performances and taking stock of lessons...

Ruleshammer: Charging, Vertical Distances, and Different Levels

Although we love Warhammer 40,000, the game’s complexity can be daunting, particularly for newer players. In Ruleshammer, we look at the nuances of the game’s rules and how they affect gameplay, clearing up potential issues and helping make sense...

Narrative Forge: Making Your Campaigns A Success

You know how we dissect every part of the competitive meta on this site? Really get into the reeds about what owns, what does not own about a codex? Talk about the best way to win ITC games? You...

Ruleshammer: When Can My Unit Fight? How do Pile-in and Consolidate Moves Work?

Although we love Warhammer 40,000, the game’s complexity can be daunting, particularly for newer players. In Ruleshammer, we look at the nuances of the game’s rules and how they affect gameplay, clearing up potential issues and helping make sense...

The Fabricator General: What to Do When the Emperor Doesn’t Provide, Part 3

In our Fabricator General series, we cover large projects or those with lots of building and construction and custom work. This week, we are taking a look at 3D printing from the design side with the third and final...