
Narrative Forge: Making Your Campaigns A Success

You know how we dissect every part of the competitive meta on this site? Really get into the reeds about what owns, what does not own about a codex? Talk about the best way to win ITC games? You...

Ruleshammer: When Can My Unit Fight? How do Pile-in and Consolidate Moves Work?

Although we love Warhammer 40,000, the game’s complexity can be daunting, particularly for newer players. In Ruleshammer, we look at the nuances of the game’s rules and how they affect gameplay, clearing up potential issues and helping make sense...

The Fabricator General: What to Do When the Emperor Doesn’t Provide, Part 3

In our Fabricator General series, we cover large projects or those with lots of building and construction and custom work. This week, we are taking a look at 3D printing from the design side with the third and final...

Your Warlord Sucks Hot Take Round Table: Ragnar vs. Ghazghkull

In Goonhammer Hot Takes, we do quick-pass reviews and reactions to new releases, rules, and events. In today’s Hot Take, Goonhammer’s worst and dumbest authors are covering the latest Space Marine to be Primaris-ified, known idiot and Space Wolf...

Necromunday: Gangs of the Underhive – Slave Ogryns

Glad to have you here, Scummers! This week, we’re ecstatic to finally bring you our take on the newest gang to hit the Underhive, the renegade Slave Ogryns. They’re a fresh take on a melee-centric gang with amazing models,...

Content We Liked: 8/3/2020

The Week Ending March 8th, 2020 Although it’s a big internet out there, the Warhammer digital universe is pretty small and spread out. In Content We Liked, we take a look at the articles, videos, podcasts, and products that caught our eyes...

Ruleshammer: Mailbag 001

Although we love Warhammer 40,000, the game’s complexity can be daunting, particularly for newer players. In Ruleshammer, we look at the nuances of the game’s rules and how they affect gameplay, clearing up potential issues and helping make sense...

Ruleshammer: When You Check (and Re-Check) Line of Sight and Distance During Ranged Attacks

This is an 8th Edition Article! For 9th Edition Ruleshammer look here. Although we love Warhammer 40,000, the game's complexity can be daunting, particularly for newer players. In Ruleshammer, we look at the nuances of the game's rules and how...

Age of Sigmar Review: Seraphon

Seraphon have a long and sordid history, even by Age of Sigmar standards. Debuting in Warhammer Fantasy Battles 5th edition with their first army book back in 1997, they were a pretty original concept. Where Warhammer traced some pretty...

Video Game Review: Warhammer 40,000 Gladius – Relics of War

Many developers have attempted to capture the grim darkness of the 41st Millennium (and the high fantasy of the Old World) in video game form. With the release of its Tau expansion, we thought it would be good to...