
Ruleshammer: Unusual Fight Phases, what units come first, last, in the middle?

Although we love Warhammer 40,000, the game’s complexity can be daunting, particularly for newer players. In Ruleshammer, we look at the nuances of the game’s rules and how they affect gameplay, clearing up potential issues and helping make sense...

Kill Team Tactics: Playing Decisively

This week we're taking Kill Team Tactics in a slightly different direction. Instead of focusing on a single faction (which we'll get back to in the future, I promise), today I'm focusing on the three generic "Decisive" Tactics -...

Battle Bros: Chapter II: Drew Beats Chris to Death with the Sentient Manifestation of His Own Indecisiveness

BATTLE BROS. is the continuing biweekly saga where Drew tries to teach the basics of 40k to his brother Chris (head58), who has no idea what he’s doing. If you missed part 1 of the series with the intro...

GW Online Preview, Part 2: The Goonhammer Round Table, Part 2

Following the first ever online Warhammer Preview two weeks ago, Games Workshop and the Warhammer Community Team put on a second online preview this past Saturday, featuring more of the reveals they had planned for Adepticon and other conventions. If...

The Horus Heresy – Legion Overview – The Sons of Horus

The Space Marine Legions of the First Founding make up the core factions and conflict of the Horus Heresy. With apologies for the delay, in our seventh article we're looking at the brutal core of the Traitor Legions -...

Book Review: Saturnine – Limited Edition Hardback

This review does NOT contain spoilers for Saturnine. That wouldn't be nice.  "There is work to be done,' he announced. 'I'm aware.' said Abbadon. 'My beloved lord,' said Eidolon, 'grows--' 'Many more supple breasts every day?' asked Aximand. The Mournival...

Necromunday: Gangs of the Underhive – Venators

Happy ‘Munday, Scummers! We’re very excited to have Merton back this week, now that he’s made it through to the other side of a particularly nasty virus that’s going around. A lot of folks have been asking for it,...

Hammer of Math: Robot Power Metal

This week's Hammer of Math is going to cover some of the ancient calculations of the Necrons in all of their Blackstone-coveting glory. While not necessarily the most competitive force (although that could easily change when they get the...

Content We Liked: 4/5/2020

The Week Ending April 4th, 2020 Although it’s a big internet out there, the Warhammer digital universe is pretty small and spread out. In Content We Liked, we take a look at the articles, videos, podcasts, and products that caught our eyes...

How To Paint Everything: Tzaangors

In our How to Paint Everything series, we take a look at different armies of the Warhammer universe, examine their history and heraldry, and look at several different methods for painting them. In this week’s article, we’re looking at the...