
Start Competing: Disciples of Tzeentch Tactics

Do you feel stuck in your ways? Do you ever desire untapped arcane power? Does your ambition know no bounds but your boss is a jerk and keeps holding you back? Well say goodbye to the old boss and...

Ruleshammer – Wound wording vs Bodyguard and Ignore Wound Abilities

Although we love Warhammer 40,000, the game’s complexity can be daunting, particularly for newer players. In Ruleshammer, we look at the nuances of the game’s rules and how they affect gameplay, clearing up potential issues and helping make sense...

Battle Bros: Chapter III: Drew Explains in Very Small Words How to Build an Army

BATTLE BROS. is the continuing biweekly saga where Drew tries to teach the basics of 40k to his brother Chris (head58), who has no idea what he’s doing. If you missed the previous parts of the series with the...

The Ultimate Guide to Kill Team Commanders

Something we've been continually asked about as we've released articles on Kill Team is Commanders We admittedly don't think about them all that often; they're not part of competitive play, and the majority of our content skews heavily in...

Your Preview Sucks: The Freshest of Takes on All the New Reveals

Hi everyone and welcome back to another edition of Your <THING> Sucks, where the worst and dumbest authors on this site lovingly(?) roast the shit out of whatever topical thing we think we can make up the most jokes...

The Narrative Forge: Campaigns, Part 7 – Map Campaigns

The Warhammer 40,000 universe is a massive place, and the “Narrative Forge” hobby articles encourage thinking outside the box (literally) when putting models together and stretching yourself out in the hobby. They aim to make hobbyists and players comfortable...

How to Paint Everything: Leather

In our How to Paint Everything series, we take a look at how to paint different models, armies, and materials, and different approaches to painting them. In this article, we’re exploring how to paint leather. Whether you're in the fantastical realms...

How to Build Everything: Reaver Titan

In the Fabricator General, we talk about the finer points of construction, conversion, and hobby projects that require a bit more elbow grease and technical know-how. From adding shelves in your display case to building an army display board...

GW Online Preview 3: A Goonhammer Roundtable

Saturday 18th April saw the third and final online Games Workshop preview covering the announcements intended for Adepticon in March. Once again, a selection of Games Workshop designers and writers took to Twitch to show off future releases. The...

Necromunday: Building Custom Scenarios

Welcome back, Scummers, to yet another edition of Necromunday! You all probably aren’t getting any games in these days, so why not instead spend some time designing custom scenarios for when you can get back in the proverbial saddle?...