
Index: Deathwatch – The Goonhammer Hot Take

In their early April studio preview, Games Workshop announced that Deathwatch and Harlequins wouldn't be getting the full Psychic Awakening treatment, but would instead be seeing updated rules in upcoming issues of White Dwarf. Shortly afterward, they announced that...

The 40K Spring FAQ That Might Happen – A Goonhammer Roundtable ft. Richard Siegler

With the Coronavirus pandemic leading to many states and countries enacting quarantine or shelter-in-place laws that have stretched over multiple months now, we’ve (understandably) seen competitive play for 40k grind to a halt, in part because of FLG’s (correct)...

Narrative Forge: A History of Campaigns in the Mortal Realms

Age of Sigmar was created, somewhat infamously, to allow narrative battles to occur. While the game would eventually go on to build the three game types that have become associated with Age of Sigmar and Warhammer 40k (Open, Narrative...

Tomb of the Unknown Swoledier

Hello friends - once again, Rob has taser-goaded me out of my jungle lair to secrete the sweet nectar of Goonhammer content. In particular, this taser-goading was prompted by a recent piece of terrain. As if to confirm that the...

Hot Take – Looking at the Aeronautica Imperialis Preview

I was pleased to see the new Flight Plan article from Warhammer Community provided us with some aircraft profiles from the Taros Campaign book, so it’s time to dig into them and discuss the Avenger Strike Fighter and Tiger...

Necromunday: All the Missions – Multiplayer Scenarios

One day, Scummers, we’re going to be allowed outside again, and we’re going to play some Necromunda. We’re going to play with all of our friends at once. We’re going to play some Multiplayer Scenarios! If you’ve been with us...

Content We Liked: 4/26/2020

The Week Ending April 25th, 2020 Although it’s a big internet out there, the Warhammer digital universe is pretty small and spread out. In Content We Liked, we take a look at the articles, videos, podcasts, and products that caught our eyes...

Start Competing Astra Militarum/Imperial Guard – Fully Updated!

It's a busy week for Start Competing here on Goonhammer, and hot on the heels of Start Competing: Marines and Disciples of Tzeentch yesterday, today we've got a fully updated and revised version of SC: Astra Militarum, which you...

Video Game Review: Fallout 76

At Goonhammer, our passion for games extends well beyond the tabletop. These aren't just limited to Warhammer games, as this week SRM is reviewing Fallout 76 and its new Wastelanders expansion. I’ve spent somewhere north of 1,000 hours with the...

Army Showcase: Silks’ Biel-Tan Eldar

The Painter: Doug "Silks" Fazzani The Army: Biel Tan Eldar Points: About 4,000 Collected: Since 2019   The Past I'd finished yet another disappointing tournament with my Adeptus Custodes where I did well in the painting competitions and had fun but lost almost all my games. I was running...