
Ruleshammer Q&A: December 24th 2021

Welcome to Ruleshammer, a collection of resources to help explain the detail and complexity of some of the more confusing rules in Warhammer 40k. This week we’re covering some more questions submitted by you, the readers, and our patrons on the...

Codex Necrons: Competitive Roundtable

With Codex Necrons out in the wild, we've assembled a trio of tournament players to give you their take on how it's going to perform in a competitive setting. Let's find out what they think! In case you missed...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Lite Edition

Whether through coincidence or TOs not wanting to schedule events on the day new books landed, the past weekend was a pretty quiet one on the tournament scene and I've not found any two day events to report on....

Warhammer Underworlds: Morgok and Morwaeth’s Universal Cards Hot Take

Every new warband brings with it a bevy of Universal Cards to experiment with regardless of who you bring to the battle. We take a quick look at the cards from both new expansions and let you know which...