The Q3 2022 Kill Team Dataslate – Goonhammer Hot Take

It's almost October and that means it was time for a new quarterly dataslate. The Q3 2022 dataslate dropped today, coming in a bit earlier than expected. Kill Team has been settling into a solid groove recently, with some...

Horus Heresy Hot Take: FAQs and Legacy update

  It would be fair to say there were more than a few parts of the Horus Heresy 2.0 rules that weren't entirely clear. The community has therefore been waiting with real anticipation for the new edition's first FAQ to...

Ruleshammer 40k: Leagues of Votann

Welcome to Ruleshammer! This time I'm covering more questions about Codex Leagues of Votann! You can find more Ruleshammer Q&A by clicking the banner below! FAQed by GW All About Beams They can hit friendlies? Yes. Out of the gate the very first...

The 40k FAQ Update Hot Take: September 21, 2022

Another Codex, another updated FAQ. This time we're once again returning to the Imperial Armour Compendium, this time updating the datasheets for the forces of Chaos with new rules to reflect the recent Codex: Chaos Daemons release. As always,...

Ruleshammer Battle: Episode 8 – Some Tactical Alternatives

Welcome to Ruleshammer! This week is the 8th "episode" of a series I'm calling Ruleshammer Battle. A step by step explanation of a small game of warhammer 40k. Remember the banner below will take you to the Ruleshammer 9th...

Imperial Armour Compendium September FAQ Update – The Goonhammer Hot Take

Hot take...Tuesday? Sounds fake. Anyway, a round of updates to the Imperial Armour Compendium have been pushed out today, updating it to handle the new Chaos Space Marine Codex and tidy up a few residual issues elsewhere. Let's take...

40k FAQ Update September 12, 2022: Our Long National 2″ Ruins Engagement Range Nightmare is Over

Games Workshop released an updated 40k FAQ this morning, and if you were wondering what changed well, you aren't the only one. This FAQ is more notable for what it removes rather than what it adds - in fact, nothing new...

Ruleshammer 40k: Chaos Daemons

Welcome to Ruleshammer! This time I'm covering more questions about Codex Chaos Daemons! You can find more Ruleshammer Q&A by clicking the banner below! Q&A Daemonic Invulnerability Daemonic Invulnerability is many things but it is specifically not a few things as well. Instead...

Ruleshammer Horus Heresy: Q&A August 2022

Welcome to a special edition of Ruleshammer! Today we’re covering some more questions submitted by you, the readers, and our patrons on the Goonhammer Discord specifically about Warhammer: the Horus Heresy 2nd Edition. Can I use Krak Grenades to attack...

Ruleshammer Battle: Episode 7 – Death Guard Turn 1 Charging and Fighting!

Welcome to Ruleshammer! This week is the sixth "episode" of a series I'm calling Ruleshammer Battle. A step by step explanation of a small game of warhammer 40k. Remember the banner below will take you to the Ruleshammer 9th...