CMON Fix Golden Company – SO3 Update Review for ASOIAF

It has been a few months since the update for A Song of Ice and Fire was launched bringing us into Season 3. This is plenty of time for the rules to settle and for everyone who plays to...

The Games Workshop 40k World Championships FAQ Hot Take

With the first ever World Championships of Warhammer fast approaching, Games Workshop has been working behind the scenes to prep for the event, briefing players, arranging brackets for the format (we’ll have more on that later this week), and,...

Conquest August ’23 Update

Para Bellum released an update to Conquest The Last Argument of Kings on the 18th of Sept and is bound to shake up people’s lists, the competitive meta, and overall state of the game. Goonhammer’s Conquest team naturally have...

The August 2023 Kill Team Balance Dataslate

Games Workshop dropped its Q3 Balance Dataslate for Kill Team today, outlining a number of changes to the format. In this article we’ll look at what changed, what it means, and how these changes will affect the competitive meta...

Malifaux July 2023 Errata Hot Take: The Buffs

Well, well, well.  Look what we have here!  A hot steaming pile of errata!  And not a moment too soon, too.  The Madness of Malifaux was a little too mad, and some of the game's coolest and most flavorful...

Malifaux July 2023 Errata Hot Take: The FAQ

Well, well, well.  Look what we have here!  A hot steaming pile of errata!  And not a moment too soon, too.  The Madness of Malifaux was a little too mad, and some perplexing rules interactions were baffling Malifaux's top minds. Fortunately,...

Ruleshammer 40k: Q&A 14th July 2023

Welcome to Ruleshammer! This week we’re covering some more questions submitted by you, the readers, and our patrons on the Goonhammer Discord.  Core Q&A Does scoring a Critical Hit on a 5+ automatically hit? TAGS: #CRITICAL, #SHOOTING, #AUTOMATIC They might, but the wording of...

The July 10 Kill Team FAQs and Errata Update

This week Games Workshop dropped a series of updates - FAQ and Errata - for Kill Team, changing a number of rules and teams. If you were wondering what changed - or more importantly, what it means for your...

Ruleshammer 40k: The 10th Edition Commentary Has An Answer For That!

Welcome to Ruleshammer! This week I take a look at a few of the frequently asked questions that actually have answers in the massive 18-page Rules Commentary, plus a few bonus ones I'm throwing in! There's a lot to cover....

Ruleshammer 40k 10th Edition – Things to Note in Early Games

Welcome to Ruleshammer! This week my first notes and musings on 10th edition. Things I think you should look out for in early games.  A Brief note about Cover and Line of Sight Arguably some of the largest changes to the...