Conquest Feb 2024 Update: the Goonhammer Hot Take

As is their wont, Para Bellum INSIST on continuing to improve Conquest: the Last Argument of Kings and have just dropped a new rules update for the game. We talk about what changed and what it means. 

ASOIAF Community Spotlight: Hits and Crits

New Series Alert! This is the first article in a new series where we sit down with members of the community and get to know them on a new level. From where they have come from, to what they...

A Song of Ice and Fire Miniatures Game Season 4 Update: The Goonhammer Review

As promised, CMON delivered the Season 4 update for the A Song of Ice and Fires Miniatures game on Monday. After spending an evening pondering the update - plus another day or so of debate and writing - we’re...

Q1 2024 Balance Dataslate & MFM – Rules Commentary – The Goonhammer Review

Today Games Workshop released a massive update for Warhammer 40,000 giving us a huge shake-up for competitive play. In addition to the balance dataslate for Q1 2024, we also saw the release of a new game-wide points update, rules/FAQ...

The New Approved Ops 2023: Hazardous Areas

This week Games Workshop dropped a matched play update for the new Killzone Bheta-Decima terrain set. So we asked Ace to provide some thoughts on the new rules and what they mean for competitive play. Attention operators! Today we bring...

The Goonhammer Hot Take: 10th Edition Codex Necrons FAQ

Codex Necrons has had some time out in the wild, and it's now time for the traditional FAQ pass. Initial Codex FAQ passes tend to just focus on errataing things that are actually broken or unclear text wise, but this...

The Kill Team Q4 2023 Dataslate Hot Take

The Kill Team Q4 2023 Dataslate Hot Take - Everything's getting a major shake up, just in time for LVO! Find out what changed and what it means.

The Age of Sigmar Dec 2023 FAQ Hot Take

It’s that time again when Games Workshop drop a slew of FAQs for us to scratch our heads at. Overall these are pretty minor but mostly buffs or side-grades to the armies present. A lot of these changes are...

The December 2023 Horus Heresy FAQs Hot Take

Games Workshop surprised us with the release of a handful of new FAQs for the Horus Heresy this week, making a number of changes to the game. We're taking a look at those changes, what they mean, and how...

Goonhammer Hot Take: The November 2023 Blood Bowl FAQ

Hello, Sports Fans! Welcome to the first Blood Bowl Hot Take in a while. This morning, GW graced us with a brand new FAQ for our favorite sports-themed skirmish game, so let’s dig in and see what we’ve got. Dan...