ASOIAF: TMG Season 5 Hot Takes

Season 5 for ASOIAF: The Miniatures Game is now out, and each Faction has had some form of change form Tactics Cards, to Commanders, to NCUs, and Units. There are some universal changes, rewording for simplified gaming, and complete...

Malifaux September 2024 Erratastravaganza!

It's probably going to be October when this article goes up.  Sue me.  Whatever month it is, it's That Time Of Year Again!  Things have been pretty good in Malifaux since the last errata - Ashes landed with a splash,...

August 2024 40K Errata & FAQ Updates – The Goonhammer Hot Take

It’s Hot Take Thursday. You know what that means. It could mean a lot of things, we suppose - today it means that Games Workshop have just pushed out some updates to the 40K Tournament Companion and Rules Commentary, plus...

Warhammer: The Old World – July FAQ

We’re back with another Warhammer: The Old World F&Q and Errata. This has come a lot quicker than most of us expected but it’s a welcome sight for sure. We’ve got a few changes in place and some good...

The Codex: Orks and Codex: Custodes FAQs Hot Take

FAQs for Codex: Orks and Codex: Adeptus Custodes dropped today and we've got the rundown of everything that changed in the new FAQs and what it means for your games.

The May 2024 T’au Empire Points and Errata Update Hot Take

We finally get points for 10th edition T'au. In the May 2024 T'au Empire Points and Errata Update Hot Take we look at what changed and what it means for T'au armies.

The Old World April 9 FAQ

Introduction Falcon: They did it! They really did it! The SDS (specialist design studio) team has done it again, coming out hot with an extensive FAQ for the Old World mere months into its launch. And folks, it’s a really...

Free Folk and Night’s Watch – S04 Review – ASOIAF: TMG

A Song of Ice and Fire: The Miniatures Game Season 4 has been out for a while now, and people have flooded to the game to try out the new changes. After letting things settle and the initial reactions...

War of the North – A Hits and Crits ASOIAF: TMG Season 4 Event

War of the North, the first big ASOIAF: TMG event, took place in Hamburg on February 10th-11th and was hosted by Hits and Crits. We sat down with Chris and Dennis from the Hits and Crits Team and discussed...

Starks and Lannisters – S04 Review – ASOIAF: TMG

A Song of Ice and Fire: The Miniatures Game Season 4 has been out for a few weeks now, and people have flooded to the game to try out the new changes. After letting things settle and the initial reactions digest, we will begin our review of S.04 and how much it will impact the game for the next 6 months.