Age of Sigmar Hot Take: New Battletome FAQs

Games Workshop promised that the newer battletomes that have been released in the last few months would receive their own FAQs instead of changes in the General's Handbook. These just released and can be found here https://www.warhammer-community.com/faqs/ Cities of Sigmar As you know...

Necromunday: Mailbag July 20, 2020

With House of Blades still out of sight, and Covid-19 stopping us from getting any games in, we’ve decided that it’s Mailbag time! Let’s get to it! Questions, Fresh and Hot As always, we'd like to stress that we're laughably unofficial, as...

Hot Take – Aeronautica Imperialis FAQ

The Aeronautica FAQ has finally dropped. The fundamental rules of Aeronautica are solid, but it had exploits and areas the weren't clear enough, which have been amended. This is not an FAQ like the Iron Hands one, which fundamentally...

The 40K Spring FAQ That Might Happen – A Goonhammer Roundtable ft. Richard Siegler

With the Coronavirus pandemic leading to many states and countries enacting quarantine or shelter-in-place laws that have stretched over multiple months now, we’ve (understandably) seen competitive play for 40k grind to a halt, in part because of FLG’s (correct)...

Age of Sigmar Hot Take: The Seraphon FAQ

The Seraphon battletome has come and had time to sit and stew for a bit. Rather unfortunately, we did not get to see how it plays out at Adepticon, which it narrowly made the release window for in order...

Hot Take: The Greater Good FAQ

In Goonhammer Hot Takes, we do quick-pass reviews and reactions to new releases, rules, and events. In today’s Hot Take, we’re covering the new FAQ for Psychic Awakening: The Greater Good. With the surprise release of today's Greater Good FAQ,...

Hammer of Math: Nerfed Numerics

Today is a momentous day, dear readers. In their infinite wisdom Games Workshop has thoroughly and completely nerfed Iron Hands, eliminating one of Hammer of Math's favorite topics and subsequently forcing me to write about something other than bionic...

Goonhammer Round Table: The February 2020 Space Marines FAQs

Yesterday morning Games Workshop dropped a bombshell on players with the surprise release of a set of FAQs that had a massive impact on the competitive meta. In today's Round Table series, the Goonhammer crew - and guest authors...

Necromunday:  House Rules – Improving your Underhive

Scummers, we’ve spent entirely too much time buried in our rulebooks as we’ve worked on this column, and we’ve come to an shocking conclusion: Necromunda is not a perfectly written game. That's alright and that's okay, because this week...

Disciples of Tzeentch FAQ – The Goonhammer Hot Take

As expected after any new Battletome, errata and FAQs must follow. Probably more so than any other Battletome in recent memory however, this one has been of particular interest in the community. After an extremely strong showing in major tournaments...