Ruleshammer Q&A: September 24th 2021 & Thousand Sons Update

Welcome to Ruleshammer! This week some updates for Thousand Sons, some Q&A from your submitted questions, and also the first Kill Team question! The Thousand Sons Update Today we're looking at some of the updates from last week's FAQ on Thousand...

Ruleshammer Q&A: September 17th 2021 & Orks Update

The Ruleshammer Compendium has been updated with all the latest Ruleshammer Q&As from the last few months! Orks Update You can find more Ruleshammer Orks content here! The WARBOSS ON WARBIKE The Forgeworld FAQ has removed the WARBOSS keyword from the unit, causing...

40k FAQ Hot Take: Codex Orks

Games Workshop dropped a pair of important FAQs today for Codex Orks and Imperial Armour Compendium (addressing Ork units), ostensibly on time for the "proper" book release. We identified a number of key things that needed to be addressed...

Age of Sigmar 3.0: September FAQ Hot Take

Is it FAQ time again? Yep. Games Workshop dropped 3 surprise FAQs for the Core Rules, General's Handbook 2021 and Battletome: Sylvaneth. What's inside? Core Rules Ward Saves Tidied up the wording to confirm that those abilities that RAW were not a...

Ruleshammer 40k Q&A: September 2nd, 2021

Welcome to Ruleshammer, a collection of resources to help explain the detail and complexity of some of the more confusing rules in Warhammer 40k. This week we’re covering some more questions submitted by you, the readers, and our patrons on the...

Age of Sigmar August 2021 FAQ: The Goonhammer Hot Take

Games Workshop has released surprise FAQ for almost every book on August 27th, 2021. The Mortal Realms correspondents have combed through all of them to bring you the juiciest tidbits and what that might mean for the game going...

FAQ Hot Take: The Book of Fire

Games Workshop dropped another "FAQ" on us this morning, this time for Charadon Act II: The Book of Fire. This was a relatively hotly anticipated FAQ, as there's been a lot of debate since the book's launch about how...

Editorial Counterpoint: Admech’s CORE Problem

Games Workshop served up the Adeptus Mechanicus FAQ last week, and it's already left a bad taste in my mouth. Our Adeptus Mechanicus FAQ - Hot Take covered how these changes will impact servants of the Omnissiah, as well...

Adeptus Mechanicus FAQ – Hot Take

It happened again. Games Workshop released a book so busted that it needed a second FAQ. We covered the first iteration of changes, but GW is back on it. This new document doesn't address all of our concerns, but...

The FAQ Hot Take: Munitorum Field Manual and Chapter Approved 2021

As well as the Codex: Adepta Sororitas FAQ, GW snuck in an update to the Munitorum Field Manual and Chapter Approved 2021. As always, we’re here with a write-up on the contents of the FAQ and analysis on what...