faq hot take

The Goonhammer FAQ Hot Take – Stormcast Eternals & Orruk Warclans

It’s that time again folks! It’s been a couple weeks since Battletome: Stormcast Eternals and Battletome: Orruk Warclans hit shelves and that means a follow up FAQ to fix typos, overpowered effects and so on. What do these mean...

The Goonhammer Warm Take: The 40k Chaos Daemons FAQ

Last Friday Games Workshop released an FAQ to little fanfare, and this particular FAQ was more notable for the fact that it didn't add any new rules or errata to the game. Instead, GW released an updated FAQ for Chaos Daemons...

The Goonhammer FAQ Hot Take – Codex: Grey Knights

It's a double FAQ-day fiesta this week, with Grey Knights and Thousand Sons joining Orks in picking up a set of clarifications. Obviously it is shameful that neither of these landed on the one correct slot of Hot Take Thursday,...

The Goonhammer FAQ Hot Take – Codex: Thousand Sons

Games Workshop released two more FAQs this week, this time covering Thousand Sons and Grey Knights in a surprisingly timely fashion. There's a surprising amount to cover here for such a small codex so let's dive right in.   Your opponent...

40k FAQ Hot Take: Codex Orks

Games Workshop dropped a pair of important FAQs today for Codex Orks and Imperial Armour Compendium (addressing Ork units), ostensibly on time for the "proper" book release. We identified a number of key things that needed to be addressed...

A Song of Ice and Fire FAQ Hot Take

You'd think that they'd have put up a news article on their website about this, right? But no, they just added it quietly to the FAQ page and left it to us to figure out. I love this game...

Age of Sigmar 3.0 FAQ: Beasts of Chaos

GW released a bombshell of new FAQs today, covering errata for the core book and lengthy FAQs for each faction. And as always, we’ve got you covered with the rundown of what’s changed and what it means for your...

Adeptus Mechanicus FAQ – Hot Take

As is now customary, with just over a month having passed from the release of the 9th Edition Adeptus Mechanicus Codex, an FAQ has appeared that provides a few key clarifications and corrections. To set expectations - there are...

Age of Sigmar 3.0 FAQ: Orruk Warclans

GW released a bombshell of new FAQs on friday, covering errata for the core book and lengthy FAQs for each faction. And as always, we’ve got you covered with the rundown of what’s changed and what it means for...

Age of Sigmar 3.0 FAQ: Sons of Behemat

GW released a bombshell of new FAQs on Friday, covering errata for the core book and lengthy FAQs for each faction. And as always, we’ve got you covered with the rundown of what’s changed and what it means for...