faq hot take

The Goonhammer Hot Take: The 40k July 2022 FAQs

GW dropped a raft of new FAQs for Warhammer 40,000 today, updating most factions as well as the core game rules. Let’s dive in and find out what’s changed, and how it affects your games. The Updates There was a mix...

Codex: Imperial Knights FAQ – The Goonhammer Hot Take

GW pushed out an FAQ for the Imperial Knights Codex yesterday, taking aim at a few key questions people had about the book, and now that the weekly festival of Hot Take Thursday is upon us, it's time to...

The Goonhammer Hot Take: May 2022 Codex Tyrands FAQ

Games Workshop followed up its Imperial Armour Compendium updates with an FAQ addressing the recent Codex: Tyranids today. This comes not a moment too soon, as we just watched Tyranids put up a dominating weekend of competitive play (and...

The May 2022 Imperial Armour Compendium FAQ Hot Take

GW released an FAQ for the Imperial Armour Compendium today, making adjustments to Eldar and Tyranids units in the book to bring them in line with their recent Codexes. We talk about what changed and what it means.

The April 2022 40k Balance Dataslate – The Goonhammer Hot Take

As promised, Games Workshop released a huge update today in the form of another quarterly balance dataslate. The Q2 2022 Dataslate is full of rules updates that creates a massive shakeup in the meta. As always, we’re here to...

Codex: Aeldari FAQ – The Goonhammer Hot Take

It’s been six weeks since the release of Codex: Aeldari and today Games Workshop have released a much-needed FAQ for the book. We noted in our review that there were more than a few things that needed addressing so...

FAQ Hot Take: Codex Adeptus Custodes 9th Edition

Games Workshop released two big FAQs for 40k this morning, covering the recently released Codex: Genestealer Cults and Codex: Adpetus Custodes. In this article we're going to cover the FAQ for Custodes, talk about what changed, and what the...

The January 2022 Kill Team FAQs Review

Last week Games Workshop quietly updated their FAQs and Errata page for Kill Team, updating older FAQs and, in a surprising move, adding several new ones, covering not just the kill teams in Octarius and Chalnath, but also the...

Age of Sigmar Winter FAQ 2021 – The Goonhammer Hot Take

The community has been asking for an FAQ for a while and today GW finally delivered, publishing a dozen new FAQs for Age of Sigmar. These updates range from “minor tweaks” for some factions to “massive shifts” for others...

Goonhammer Hot Take: Black Templars Supplement FAQ

Happy Wednesday, dear Readers! Today, Games Workshop opened up their FAQcet (its like a faucet but for FAQs) to a trickle, and we got one covering Codex Supplement: Black Templars. As with most of their recent FAQs, it can't...